Saint John Bosco was an unforgettable man with a great sense of religiosity. His educational system left an indelible mark on the field of education. Get to know all the phrases of Saint John Bosco that are very emblematic among his followers.

Who was Saint John Bosco?

Don Bosco’s life was full of ups and downs: as a child he suffered the loss of his family. A few days later, with the help of his acquaintances, he found work. Don Bosco’s hard work for a rich millionaire allowed him to inherit a house where he could live decently but comfortably.

Don Bosco did not hesitate for a moment to give up all his possessions in order to lead a religious life. He calmly looked after the interests of his mother and brothers and sisters. He did not leave without first thanking his mother for her affection and for not rejecting his desire to follow God.

St John Bosco’s intelligence made him an astonishingly good reader from the age of four, and he had an enviable handwriting. From an early age he sought to please the Most High by accepting many challenges, including walking barefoot to and from school. He also instilled in his pupils the rigour of penance as a way of reaching heaven quickly.

Bosco knew very well that every opportunity had to be taken on the first arrival. To this end, he worked in many conventional disciplines, such as baking and shoemaking. His learning and intellect enabled him to climb the ladder and win the sympathy of the clergy and the ecclesiastical community.

Don Bosco’s tragic childhood experience made him reflect and he built several buildings that served as a refuge for all children and young people. In this place they all found the peace they could never find on the streets, and all the members of the community felt like a religious family. He had several convents and monasteries for the women.

He saw to it that all the young people under his protection learnt the sacraments, the commandments, the rosary and everything connected with the catechism. For the saint, it was essential to provide a quality religious education so that they would know the laws of the Almighty and the consequences of breaking them.

The Saint was the tutor of many seminarians who wanted to fulfil their dream of becoming parish priests. To please many of them, he undertook the task of building a seminary, known as St Francis de Sales, where he gathered thousands of men to embark on a priestly course.

Bosco’s fame grew to such an extent that he expanded his works by building more temples to accommodate the many children who needed a complete education. The representatives relied on Bosco’s compassion to teach their children. The saint felt that his true mission on earth was to please the life-giving Lord with his good deeds that benefited thousands of devotees.

John Bosco loved humanistic subjects, and his studies of philosophy and literature made him understand the true meaning of life, as well as the worship of God and the exaltation of his Christian faith. Many hours of study and dedication cultivated the mind of this saint to become what he is today in the memory of his pupils.


Don Bosco built new temples in his honour, including one called San Juan Bautista. There he continued to welcome children and young people from different backgrounds who were unprotected. The present church is still in use today, although it has undergone many changes.

Sayings of St. John Bosco

Many of the following quotations from St. John Bosco are part of our daily life. Many of them are so thought-provoking that they make us reflect on our actions.

Among St. John Bosco’s sayings for young people, we must highlight the fact that they are the fundamental pillar of any society, just like the family. Therefore, adults must take care of their dreams and interests so that they can become worthy men and women of good will. We must not clip the wings of these young people who are just beginning to live.

Don Bosco dedicated part of his life to the protection of children. He wrote that children are the most innocent beings on earth. From them we learn that, in spite of adversity, their innocent minds are enthusiastic and joyful. Every society should look after the welfare of children, starting with their parents, who form the values in each of them.

He was also a strong supporter of students. He was responsible for the education of hundreds of children, adolescents and even adults who lacked quality education. Don Bosco’s words encourage young people not to stop studying and learning. Wisdom is essential to understand and comprehend the ambiguous aspects of life.

The daily coexistence between Don Bosco and his pupils led him to build several temples so that all of them could have a privileged education. He gave each of them a better standard of living than they had before. Every young person is encouraged to fight for what he wants and to be successful in every way.

St John Bosco’s sayings gradually began to circulate among his acquaintances. The most important ones were recorded by his friends, who later made them known to historians. They were then published in various niches in his churches, so that every young person, child or student who passed by could read them.

Don Bosco never lost his optimism, even in difficult times. He was known as the saint who always smiled, never showing a bad face or a bad gesture to his pupils or to his followers who came to him to teach their children.

St. John Bosco was aware that in Christian life there were Pharisees who worshipped false gods; an example of this was when he had to deal with some monks who wanted to enter the monastery. The Saint was tactful enough to realise that these men did not have good intentions.

Sayings of Saint John Bosco to young people

Here are some of Saint John Bosco’s best sayings for young people. We must not forget that Saint Rose of Lima also has interesting phrases that many followers remember with great emotion.

  • “Sometimes you have to wait too long to be truly young”.
  • “To be successful, you have to work hard with a lot of care and dedication”.
  • “It is not necessary to be a completely successful young man. The important thing is to be a brave man”.
  • “Young men dream of being men with big goals. Listen to your heart and set goals for the future. Act in small proportions so that little by little you will achieve great goals in your life. The result will reflect what you really want in the long or short term”.
  • “Youth is the future.
  • “You are young only once in your life. Immaturity can last forever”.
  • “Young people who have a good attitude and aptitude are the ones who will prosper in the future”.
  • “All dreams can come true. You are young, never give up.
  • “All limits are nothing but excuses created by the mind. The young person who perseveres will know how to face his own obstacles to get where he wants to go”.
  • “Enthusiasm provides the effort. Many young people keep their enthusiasm until the end”.
  • “Education will always be a man’s best ally. An educated person will always be complete”.
  • “If you want to do something, just do it. Don’t stop as long as your actions don’t hurt anyone”.
    Reality is easy to avoid, but the consequences of reality are hard to avoid.
  • “A person’s character is developed from adolescence. Just as self-esteem is developed from childhood”.
  • “Small ideas can be more fruitful than great plans.
  • “The first step to ignorance is to think you know everything.
  • “You can always learn from your mistakes. When you are young, you can correct them to become a better person”.

  • “There are no decisions to be made when you have fear in your mind”.
  • “A happy youth will always please me. Life is about being happy and having the best smile”.
  • “Never go down the beaten path, just go your own way and make your own mark”.
  • “As long as you have the firm belief that you want to achieve something, you will achieve it.
  • “Winners never give up. Those who give up early are doomed to fail”.
  • “Concentrate on doing something so that the goal can be achieved as successfully as possible.
  • “It takes a lot of courage to grow. What you long to achieve is within you, with a long life to flourish”.
  • “Finding joy is like finding the fountain of youth.
  • “Success comes to those who are diligent”.
  • “From youth we learn, from adults we understand”.
  • “Youth is all the moments you have lived, not when you were born or how old you are”.
  • “It is better to follow your passions than to be driven by instinct”.
  • “Young people are like works of art, they are beautiful accidents created by the hand of man.
  • “Young people should not be discouraged, they should follow their dreams”.
  • “It is enough for me that they are young to love them forever”.

Quotes on love by St. John Bosco

The following quotations from Saint John Bosco encourage many of his followers who are looking for love, whether they have it or have lost it. In each of them they find a breath of fresh air that fills them with hope. It is worth remembering that Saint Red Death is the patron saint of love.

  • “To love God is one of the most perfect things on earth”.
  • “You learn to love when you meet a perfect person. Even someone who is imperfect in our eyes becomes perfect”.
  • “To love is not only the feeling of wanting, but also the understanding of many incomprehensible things”.
  • “When you love, neither time nor distance is an obstacle.
  • “Young people love madly, adults love with moderation”.
  • “To love is not to stare into each other’s eyes, but to join gazes and destinies in the same direction”.
  • “If a man wants to be good and loving, he should not try too hard. In time he will be rewarded.
  • “The sign of true love is to give everything without asking anything in return.
  • When happiness is found and lasts through misfortune, you have found true love.

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  • “You can love and be happy at the same time. It is also possible to be happy without love, and the combination of both elements can be a beautiful passage”.
  • “Love as much as you can. The word is short, but the feeling is immense”.
  • “Love is a little madness, and if you do not feel it, it is because you have not really loved”.
  • “Love the plans of God, for through him you will enjoy the grace of God”.
  • “Whoever loves his mother to the point of giving his life for her is a true act of love”.
  • “It is important to love ourselves if we want to be loved by others.
  • “You only love what you have, even God.
  • “He who truly loves will give all of himself, without mistreatment or conditions”.
  • “Love the one who is aware of your successes and failures.
  • “There is nothing you can do about the person you love. Just continue to love them for who they are and what they are worth”.
  • “For Christians, there is only love for God, the great creator of all things”.
  • “What you love most will not always be with you. Therefore, you must love yourself”.
  • “Everyone can experience the feeling of love, but not everyone is able to develop this capacity.
  • “Young people learn to study by studying; they learn to love by loving; and they learn to love by loving.
  • “If you are not capable of loving and appreciating things, you will not be able to awaken any kind of feeling in another.

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St. John Bosco’s words to children

Children were very special beings in the life of Saint John Bosco, because he helped many of them out of their precarious situations. It should be noted that St Vincent de Paul has very memorable phrases in Christianity. Find out more about St John Bosco’s phrases for children.

  • “Joy is never too late for children. They do not suffer from envy or resentment”.
  • “It is very difficult to provide for the future of our youth, but it is our duty to care for the welfare of children.
  • “The greatest need of every child is to be able to count on the protection of his or her parents.
  • “All the children of the world are under God’s blessing.
  • A happy childhood will mark you for life, and your success as an adult depends on it.
  • “If only all children could keep their joy forever, so that they would not suffer from evil.
  • “Children do not remember the moments of teaching, but who you are.
  • “Sometimes childhood does not correspond to age. There are adults who remain children.
  • “The innocence of childhood is comparable to the innocence of animals, neither of which is aware of the wickedness of the world”.
  • “The greatest fear of an adult is that he will never be able to return to the stage of childhood.
  • “All men play like children. When they stop, it is because they have grown old”.
  • “Children are important in the sight of God because they already have His blessing and that of the choir of seraphim.
  • “Childhood is like a promise that is not kept, because it is lost with the years, but the spirit manages to remain”.
  • “Children are the wealth of the world, because they are worth much more than gold, silver and all the money that can be collected.
  • “The education you give to children will reflect on them in society in the future.
  • “The only habit that should be taught to children is that they should not become accustomed to anything.
  • “When the future and goals are planned, it is time to leave childhood behind.
  • “Love for God is taught from childhood. This is the only way to raise good Christians”.
  • “Every child has a garden full of colours, this garden is part of his little world of happiness and joy. The air and the smell of the flowers make them happy”.
  • “There are adults who find it difficult to understand certain things, but it is more difficult to explain things to children at different times.
  • “Childhood is like a coin that every villain wants to steal, but without success.
  • “A child becomes an adult when he learns to recognise his own mistakes.
  • “Every child is a little angel living on earth. Never try to cut their wings, they don’t deserve it”.
  • “Every child loves, feels and perceives differently from an adult. There are no obstacles or limits for them.
  • “To make children’s childhood happier, you have to be part of it.

The phrases of Saint John Bosco to Mary Help of Christians

The phrases of Saint John Bosco are not only dedicated to children or young people, but also to his main Catholic inspiration: Mary Help of Christians. If you want to pay homage to this Virgin, as the Saint did, it is time to invoke the novena to Mary Help of Christians. In doing so, you will reinforce the words of Saint John Bosco

  • “Mary has always been a compass that guides my steps. Whoever trusts her completely will find absolute protection”.
  • “To reach the compassion of Jesus, it is necessary to pass through the love of Mary”.
  • “O Holy Mary, Help of Christians, take care forever of all the helpless young people who live on holy ground. Help the Christian community, defend the interests of the Holy Mother Church, ensure the welfare of each of your children”.

  • “May the tenderness of the Comforter of the afflicted always transcend”.
  • “The love of Mary Help of Christians is immeasurable. Only those who are in her lap can feel it”.
  • “Always think that Mary’s love will save you. She is not called the Great Helper for nothing”.
  • “All in Heaven have been pleased with Mary’s gifts, as well as with the legacy she has left to her benefactors on earth”.
  • “At every moment when I was in the greatest danger, I invoked the image of Mary Help of Christians and was victorious”.
  • “Mary Help of Christians is the Mother of all, even if many do not see it that way. If you trust her, her miracles will touch your heart”.
  • “Mary Help of Christians is the miracle you have always hoped for”.

Saint John Bosco’s phrases on education

All students want to know St. John Bosco’s phrases on education. The life of St. Augustine of Hippo, a great philosopher who wrote many works, is also very important for the students.

  • “Sometimes the beginnings of education are a little bitter, but the future of the scholar is very bright and interesting”.
  • “Those who study are able to refute a thought.”
  • “Education is not a matter of learning about life, for education is life itself.”
  • “If you enrich your intellect and the capacity for learning becomes greater, you will not cease to grow and learn”.
  • “Education is the master key that opens many doors. Don’t close yourself to this possibility.
  • “A well-educated person is respected everywhere. Education is your best friend.
  • “Education allows all mirrors to become great windows of knowledge and wisdom.

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  • “A man may be studious, but if he reads a lot and makes little use of his reason, he will fall into laziness.
  • “Education enables you to learn what you already knew.
  • “The way from student to teacher is long, but the former always surpasses the latter in the end.
  • “The purpose of education is to open people’s minds to knowledge, not to close them out of ignorance”.
  • “The illiterate is not the one who cannot read, but the one who cannot understand things”.
  • “Education makes it possible to learn everything in order to improve self-esteem and self-confidence”.
  • “Learning is not easy because it requires effort”.
  • “The purpose of education is to educate and train oneself in order to be honoured in the future”.
  • “Primary education begins at home. Parents are the best teachers of any child”.
  • “A man who has never been to school can become a railway carriage thief. He who studies can steal the whole train”.
  • “Education is formidable for those who give themselves to it”.
  • “To learn, one must first listen and reason empirically. To teach children, the teacher must be well grounded in the willingness to teach”.
  • “The worst mistake parents make is to educate their children in the context of their own time, because they were born in a very different time.
  • “Cultivating the mind is as important as nourishing the body”.
  • “Educating for a constant struggle against ignorance should be one of the main motives.

St. John Bosco’s sayings on joy

Young people are usually very enthusiastic, cheerful and enterprising. They rely on the sayings of St John Bosco to start their day in the right way. Another saint who can cheer up many pregnant women is St Gerard.

  • There is a permanent way to remain happy: to love and be loved, as God loves us all.
  • “Happiness is in everything you think and do, as long as you don’t hurt anyone.
  • “We come into the world with the firm intention of being happy. Everyone has their own purpose. My joy is to help those in need.
  • “Happiness is not less if you want to share it. Make your moments the happiest on earth”.
  • “Joy and happiness depend on living in the present, letting go of the past and waiting calmly for the future”.
  • “If we don’t brighten our days ourselves, no one else will do it for us.

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  • “At different times, the mind is so powerful that it seeks happiness in times of adversity.
  • “Happy is the man who destroys the physical and mental chains that oppress him. It is the element that makes it possible to suppress the worries at once”.
  • “Happiness consists in actions that give us personal and collective joy”.

The words of Saint John Bosco to teachers

These quotations from Saint John Bosco are a tribute to those teachers who are able to educate their pupils in a good way. Here are the quotes from Saint John Bosco.

  • “Education creates confidence, depending on who teaches”.
  • “When it is time to build an altar, do it with a teacher. They are heroes and pillars of society”.
  • “When a teacher is trained, it is with the intention of helping parents to educate their children”.
  • “Teachers have the mission to change the world with the educational impulse”.
  • “There is no better teacher than the one who gives hope and encourages imagination”.