The first thing to keep in mind is that you have to believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is one of the doctrines of Pentecostalism, but we will look more closely at the requirements to be a Pentecostal pastor.

requisitos para ser pastor pentecostal

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8

This Bible verse shows the transition of some people who hid in fear after the death of the one they called Messiah, the one they called Messiah.

They called him their Messiah, their hope, and the sight of him hanging on the cross caused them to lose every thread of faith.

Although Jesus had already warned them that this would happen in John 16:7

The Scriptures say that when the first Christians were baptised in the Holy Spirit, they were given a

tongue of fire.

Pentecostal Protestant Churches

It is for this reason that the churches that call themselves Pentecostal have this name, because of all that happened on the day of Pentecost in the early church, with the first Christians.

Pentecost in the early church, with the first Christians.

The promise that Jesus left them before he died was that a Comforter would come to them and help them when he was not there and guide them.

and guide them.

In them is the constant presence of the Holy Spirit, who came to comfort and guide. John 14:26

It is through Him that people can be touched and transformed when they accept Jesus as their personal Saviour.

It is the Holy Spirit who saves us from sin. John 16:8 (NKJV)

Pentecostal churches emphasise the doctrine of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

These churches are Protestant and therefore the pastors of these churches must be Protestant and affirm these beliefs.


Belief in the Holy Spirit is entirely biblical and is spoken of in many passages of the Bible.

For this reason, it is not a cult or something outside the Word of God to do so or to belong to a Protestant church.

In fact, the vast majority of Protestant churches are Pentecostal, with some exceptions such as the Baptist churches, which believe only in the Word of God.

Baptist churches, which believe only in baptism by immersion and do not demonstrate the manifestations attributed to the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in the Holy Spirit.

manifestations attributed to the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues, among many others.

Other non-Protestant churches regard the Holy Spirit as a “power” rather than a Person of the Trinity.

But the Bible clearly points to Him as a person, not a force.

requisitos para ser pastor pentecostal

A power does not convict the world of sin, as John 16:8 says.

Nor does it comfort, as it is said to do in John 14:26.

A power could never possess, let alone give gifts as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

Now that we know which church he should be in, let us see what the requirements are for a Pentecostal pastor.

Find out what it takes to be a Pentecostal pastor.

The requirements to be a Pentecostal pastor are the same as for any other pastor, in terms of what the Word of God requires of every man who works in any pastoral ministry.

of every man who works in any pastoral ministry.

It is not a question of whether you are Pentecostal, Baptist or Independent, but whether you are a man of God of integrity and honesty.

That you keep the Word and all the commandments first and foremost, so that you can be an example to all in the church where you work.

An example to all in the church where you will be a pastor.

A pastor is a man who will be under public scrutiny and although he owes it to his employer, who in this case is God, he must have a lot to learn.

God in this case, he must be very careful to be a person who is easy going.

It should not be believed that any man is free to be a servant of God just because of his gender.

This is far from being true, and that is why the Apostle Paul makes things very clear.

The word bishop, as it is used in the Bible in 1 Timothy 3:1-10, where he speaks of those who desire to be bishops and how they should behave, simply means – “bishop”.

It simply means – the one who watches – and that is literally what a pastor does.

A man who looks to see that the churches of the Lord that he pastors are kept in the Word and are prepared,

clean, spotless, and without wrinkle, for the coming of Jesus Christ and His glory.

And this, I assure you, is not an easy task, which is why shepherds must have
have a gentle character.

So that it can be multiplied in others.

This kind of leadership within the Church has nothing to do with having a title or being above others.

Or being above others, let us remember what Jesus said about those who wanted positions in Mark 9:9.

In the Gospel of Mark 9:35

If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.

A pastor is simply a man in the service of God and the church.

It is not a job he does to boast, but to lead in the right way a group of people who do not belong to him, but to the Heavenly Father.

who do not belong to him but to the Heavenly Father.

It is therefore a delicate position, not to be confused with an office for personal gain.

requisitos para ser pastor pentecostal

Fundamentally, the qualifications to be a Pentecostal or other denominational pastor come down to the true heart and attitude of the man at the head of the pastoral ministry.

the true heart and attitude of the man at the head of the pastoral ministry.

But the qualifications demanded in this letter from Timothy are not exclusive to pastors, but to all professing Christians.

People who profess to be Christians.

But what is certain is that those who choose to be pastors must have them in order to be able to lead others along the same path.

on the same path.

These so-called requirements to be a Pentecostal pastor are only instructions that God leaves for those whom He chooses to lead His people.

Those whom He chooses to lead His people to His feet should be men of impeccable conduct, integrity and honesty.

Therefore, we must not take lightly this service we are doing for the Great King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

and Lord of Lords.

The “offices” of leadership within the churches are also the ones that require the most commitment and accountability before God.

require the most commitment and responsibility before God, because you are responsible not only for yourself but also for many people who follow you, thinking that you are responsible not only for yourself but also for many people who follow you.

for many people who follow you, thinking that you are a man of God.

Now that I know what it takes to be a Pentecostal pastor, I leave you with the question: Is it an easy task?

Is it to be done only for personal gain regardless of God’s will?