The Holy Death is of Mexican origin, but has many followers around the world because the rituals to the Holy Death are very effective, always granting what is asked for either love, money, protection, employment, it is also used to break ties made with witchcraft, taking into account that these rituals are only performed at night.
Rituales a la santa muerte

Rituals of the Red Death

The Red Saint Death is the one who is in charge of love, she is dressed in a red tunic that covers her, she represents and symbolises the blood that flows through the veins and reaches the heart, where emotions accumulate, she is the one who is in charge that you do not feel alone, that you find for your life the peace and happiness that you desire so much in love and with the right person.

Rituales a la santa muerte

Her power and strength will be able to remove from your life the resentment, anger and hatred that are harmful and can lead you to destruction, and she will make you believe again in true love and in the person who will be eternal. Whenever you worship the red holy death, she will help you to always be a loving person to others, the red holy death will teach you that only through love can wonderful things happen.

The rituals to the red holy death must be dedicated with a lot of faith to see the effectiveness of the same, you must follow one by one the steps that are indicated to see the results in a few days, remember to be purified internally.

We need

  • A white candle
  • Matches
  • The picture of the Holy Red Death
  • A rosary
  • 9 pictures of the person you want to bind
  • A feather

Rituales a la santa muerte

The rituals to the Holy Death must be done for nine consecutive days at the times of 22:00 and 23:00 and always begin on Monday, to begin we must place in each image of the person we want to bind a wish that we want the Holy Red Death to fulfil, on the first day of the ritual should light the candle right in front of the Holy Red Death and say what is described below:

“Holy Red Death, your children always worship you and ask you to grant me your gifts to be able to attract and bind a soul to my side in my name, I ask you to grant me this wish, O Protector of Death, and I will always be indebted to you”.

Having said these words, it is necessary to place a rosary around the neck of the Holy Red Death and leave it there until the end of the nine days. It is at this moment that you must ask the Red Death for the favour you want, always telling her very clearly what you want with this new partner that you want to bind to your side, at this moment you must burn the first image of the person.

On the next day of the Sacred Red Death Rituals you should do the same but this time you will say the following: “Here I am
Rituales a la santa muerte

your son/daughter, I come with great joy.
I come with great joy to fulfil the sacrifice I have for you, attract him/her to me and I will have a great debt with you”. At this moment you must burn the second image of your loved one, and so on until the ninth day.

On the ninth day of the rituals of the Holy Death, when the sacrifice is completed, this phrase must be said: Today is the day that ends my great sacrifice, you who are the Mother of Death, do not let my pleas go unanswered. Of course, the last remaining image will be burned and the candle must remain lit and you must wait for it to be consumed in its entirety, during this time you must stay awake and you will not be able to sleep until this happens. Watch this video.

Rituals of the White Sacred Death

The white death is precisely a white cloak that covers it, in this case its meaning has to do above all with purity, well-being, it is defined as a power that has the ability to purify whoever needs it. The white death is able to purify from all evil, like the prayers to Saint Anthony of Padua, it helps to purify from the sins committed, thus allowing the person to continue on his way with a face well uplifted and without stain.

Rituales a la santa muerte

The white holy death is responsible for purifying all environments, especially where it is located, it is ideal to eliminate any negative force, bad vibes that have inside the house, negative energies especially envy, fights, especially among those who live in that place, such as prayers to St. Michael the Archangel With this information you will learn more about the white holy death, then we present a ritual to purify the home:

You need:

•  Rituales a la santa muerte 1 earthenware dish
– 1 piece of charcoal
– 1 dash of Santa Muerte essence
– 1 pinch of rue essence
– 1 pinch of basil essence
– 3 coconuts
– 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon
– 1 bottle of Santa Muerte white lotion
– 1 golden white Santa Muerte candle
– 1 tobacco
– 1 bag of
– of water
– Basil
– Rue, rosemary

Procedure for this ritual.

Rituales a la santa muerte

The rituals to the holy white death, begins first of all lighting the coal and leave it on the plate, then you can add a little of all the essences requested above, when we see that begins to leave the smoke with coal aroma, start to pass the plate with this smoke scented throughout the house, starting with the back until you reach the main entrance of the house.

When you do this, spreading the aromatic smoke, you should make requests for both the family and the economic part that you want to be fulfilled, always try to keep the windows open to ventilate your house and while passing with the smoke all the negative energies that have inside the house are gone.

At the three coconuts at this point it is time to make the hole, spread the coconut water on the floor throughout the house, the same will do with the crushed cinnamon or powder and also the lotion of the holy white death, done this pass to clean your entire house with a colander and do not rinse it just squeeze.

Put all the herbs in a bucket with water that you should put at the entrance of your house, leave it there for about three days and after these days throw it in the trash, light the candle and make the requests that you want both economic and love, light the tobacco and put it next to the candle so that the smoke purifies the environment. Watch this video.

Rituals of the Black Holy Death

The Black Holy Death, as her name suggests, is dressed all in black, you can ask her for any kind of favour, but she does not distinguish between good and bad, she is always ready to do what you ask, even if the favour is to destroy. This image or representation has a lot of power and is not afraid to hurt anyone, so be very careful what you ask of the holy black death.

Rituales a la santa muerte

Its power is extensive, you can use it to make the person you love come back to you, it can be used for anchoring, revenge, when the soul is lost and many other things, it is important that you know how to do the rituals or spells so that they do not come back to you and you suffer. Here we will teach you a ritual using the sacred Black Death to keep a lover away.

You will need

  • A picture of the Black Holy Death
  • 9 needles
  • 9 black candles
  • Powdered sulphur
  • A spoonful of piquin chilli
  • A spoonful of black pepper


Rituales a la santa muerte

On the candles, with the help of the pens, you will write the name of your husband’s or wife’s lover, the second step you will do is to sprinkle these candles very well with chilli, pepper and sulphur. Place the first candle in an earthenware dish and light it in front of the Black Sacred Death, saying a prayer in your own words that comes from the depths of your soul.

When you have finished praying, take a needle and stick it into the candle you have worked on and leave it there until it is completely consumed, in the same way you will do every day until the candles are finished. This type of ritual is effective if you do it in the belief that it will be fulfilled, be careful what you ask for, remember that the Black Sacred Death grants even bad wishes and you don’t want them back. Watch this video.

Santa Muerte altars, sacrifices, prayers and rituals

It is in Mexico that the sacred death, which is said to be miraculous, is most exalted. It is a tradition that has endured through the years, in this culture, death has taken the place of a saint and the high priests do not want to acknowledge it, but every day the boom is more pronounced and places have been built to worship the Holy Death.

Rituales a la santa muerte

According to the followers of the Holy Death, she has the power over all that lives and all that dies, she can open the paths of love, money, happiness, health, among others. He protects those who are on the run from justice, he is said to be able to heal illnesses and attract good fortune, and he can also destroy any kind of evil spell or witchcraft. The Holy Death can work in both white and black magic.

The altars to the Holy Death must always be prepared in high places that are used only for her, it must have linen cloth and on this will be the statue of the Holy Death and this image must always face west, in its feet will be the skulls that will be incorporated, that are a total of 9 or they can also be sent to prepare with elements such as blood and bread crumbs.

Rituales a la santa muerte

At the feet of the Holy Death 9 coins are placed, either face or silver, there must be a censer for incense, a small glass with alcohol, also a glass with water up to only half, also there will rest a cross that has no figures, when the altar is ready who presides over it is the white Holy Death and can also be the others of different colours as the black Holy Death, the blue Holy Death, the golden Holy Death among others depending on the purpose or the request to be made, there should be only 7 in total.

The offerings given to the Holy Death can vary, like those given to the Virgin of Aranzazu, for example, there should always be a glass of water when the ritual has to do with the cross in water, a small glass of dark rum, you can give as a sign of offering liquid chocolate or it can also be coffee.

Rituales a la santa muerte

Other types of offerings that can be made to Holy Death are red wine, fruits such as blackberries, apples cut into pieces, red grapes that are always left at her feet until they rot, blood is never offered to Holy Death unless the priest of the cult offers his own.

General prayer to the Holy Death, dear Holy Death, you are in my heart, I ask you to listen to my prayers, as only God made you eternal and immortal, you who have power over everything created, at this moment I humbly ask you to give me, our house and above all the beings I love peace and protection, I ask you to undo any evil spell and work that my enemies have done to me and I ask you especially (make the petitions and then pray three fathers our fathers in a row).

The rituals of the Holy Death can be done in different ways, one of them is done with candles, the so-called candles of the Holy Death should always be done in odd numbers, for example one, three, five or nine, if you choose nine you already know that it will be a novena.
Rituales a la santa muerteIf you choose nine, you already know that it will be a novena. Novenas are the preferred rituals of the Holy Death and it is not the change of the moon that is important but the days and hours when it is done.

It should only be invoked when the sun sets, when night approaches or when dawn comes, the candles that should always be used and are recommended are white, the days are Tuesday or Saturday, the candles should be bathed with some essential oil such as rose, juniper among others and should be sprinkled with silver or silver powder. Watch this video.

Ritual to open the paths of Santa Muerte

To open the ways of the Holy Death has a ritual that is effective for those who are his followers, for this ritual we will use the following materials that we will do after bathing:

A candle, we light it before bathing and say the prayer to the Holy Death, it is recommended to do it in summer, preferably on the banks of a river so that it takes all the negative charges, preferably that the moon is crescent quarter and on Sunday or Tuesday, but then you can use a bathtub.

Rituales a la santa muerte

Pray the prayer of protection of the day that corresponds to you, you will use a spray and a soap, boil in a pot rue, rosemary and laurel, when it is ready let it rest and use it as a lotion, this with the intention of repelling bad energies. After the bath, dry yourself with a white towel and spray this lotion all over your body and let it dry, its function is to open the pores of the skin and keep the positive energies and release the negative ones. Watch this video.

Holy death ritual for business

With this ritual you can increase the sales in your business and you can prosper as you want, then we will give you the materials and the prayer that you must perform for the effectiveness of this ritual. The materials you will need are

  • A golden or cream-coloured image of the Holy Death.
  • A golden candle in the shape of a pyramid.
  • A new needle
  • 1/4 kilo of corn, toasted and already ground.
  • Three spoonfuls of ground cinnamon
  • Three spoonfuls of brown sugar

The process

On the candle and with the help of the needle write the name of the company that is going through the problem and the person who is going through it, light the candle and place it next to the image of the Holy Death of golden colour or bone according to which you have chosen, at that moment you must pray this prayer and make the petition.

Rituales a la santa muerte

Lady, immaculate, powerful Death, who is able to give us life and much strength to go forward and achieve what we want, be the one who allows this business that I have or that I am going to start, give me the security and peace that I need, make it prosperous and always accompany me with your blessing, so that the money earned from this business will give me much satisfaction and always multiply for the benefit of my family, I ask you amen.

Finish mixing the cinnamon, sugar and corn, previously ground in a clay dish, which will be placed next to the candle and the image of the Holy Death, when the candle is consumed, sprinkle this powder at the entrance of your business, this should always be done on Monday mornings. Watch this video.

Ritual of holy death for work

Rituales a la santa muerte

Here we will teach you a ritual that will get you a job, if you are looking for a job and it is not there yet, you can turn to the holy death to help you, here is what you need for this ritual.

– 1 coconut
– some coconut essence
– 1 small amount of Santa Muerte’s legitimate lotion
– Basil
– Mint
– Brandy
– 1 white Santa Muerte candle

The procedure is as follows

The first thing to do is to take the coconut and make a hole in it, find a bowl with about ten litres of warm water, slowly add the coconut water and the aguardiente, the essence and a little of the lotion of Santa Muerte, stir everything very well, now take the herbs and crush them in the water, proceed to bathe with this mixture as usual.

Take the herbs in the form of a mop and pass them all over your body, fill yourself very well with the leaves and the prepared water, you will feel the smell of the herbs and that is when you will cleanse yourself of the negative energies, then proceed to rinse yourself with clean water, dress yourself in white and look for a candle to complete the cleaning, pass it from head to toe, light it when you have finished, say the prayer to the Holy Death. Watch this video.

Rituals to the holy death to bring back your loved one

Rituales a la santa muerte

The holy death is effective when it comes to bringing back the loved one, as well as the prayer to the holy death for love, in this article we will tell you all about this ritual, to start you will need the following materials:

1 A glass jar, not too big but with a wide mouth.
2 A small piece of beehive
3 A red leaf
4 A bone-coloured picture of the Holy Death
5 A red pen
6 Ground cinnamon
7 A small bottle of rose essence
8 A small vial of cinnamon essence
9 A metre of red ribbon, 1 centimetre wide
10 A taper candle
11 A new earthenware bowl
12 Wooden matches

The procedure to follow.

On the red sheet of paper, write your name and your partner’s name three times, horizontally. On top of this paper, place the bone-coloured holy death, the cinnamon powder, and roll it up very well so that none of the ingredients comes out.

With the piece of honeycomb, tie this wrapping very well, help yourself with the ribbon of one centimetre wide and proceed to put it in the glass jar, now add the essences very slowly and proceed to cover the jar, at the time of the candle, place the candle on the new clay plate, place it next to the jar, light the candle with wooden matches and proceed to say the prayer that brings the candle. Dedicate this prayer and ritual to the Holy Death and you will see the results in about 21 days. Watch this video.

Rituals of holy death to vanquish enemies

If you want to get rid of your enemies, all you have to do is perform the Rituals of Holy Death, which requires the following materials

A needle
A new, smooth glass
A lot of water.

Rituales a la santa muerte

The rituals of holy death, especially this one, begin when you go to bed, place a glass of water next to your bed and next to it a charcoal with a pin stuck in it, the next day, after nightfall, take the charcoal and the glass and leave the room, wet the charcoal with the water in the glass and say in an audible voice, “My will is much stronger than those who want to look for problems or difficulties for me.

My mind is resisting, so no one will be able to direct my thoughts. You (say the name of the person) will be my friend from now on, because I command you to respect me, because I have no enemies, everyone loves me and is my friend. Do this two days in a row and always start on a Tuesday. Watch this video.

Holy death ritual to dominate a person

Rituales a la santa muerte

The rituals to the holy death to dominate a person, first of all you must be willing to do it, here we will teach you how, to begin you must take a garment of the person you want to dominate, it must be clothes of frequent use, you must take it with your left hand and keep it with your clothes for at least a full week.

In the meantime, make a bag in which you will put a garment of yours that you wear often, leaving room for the garment of the person you want to bind when the whole week is over.

We will go to the Holy Death and ask her to give us absolute control over this person, light a red candle to the Holy Death and put the other person’s clothes in the bag you have made and put in a stamp of the Holy Death and the picture of the person we want to control, cinnamon, rose petals and earth from our house.

When you have finished, repeat the prayer again and keep the bag in a separate place, let the candle burn out completely, when the person you want to bind gets this bag, the ritual is dissolved, this is one of the rituals to the holy death very effective.

Holy Death Ritual to keep a person away from another person

To keep someone you don’t want in your life, or someone else’s, away from you, all you need is this ritual:

  • 7 white candles
  • Withdrawal lotion
  • Rituales a la santa muerteWhite pepper powder
  • Piquin chilli pepper
  • A glass or earthenware bowl

    Let’s perform the rituals for the holy death, we take the candles and sprinkle them with the lotion, then we put in the plate the piquin chili and the white pepper, we sprinkle the candles with this mixture, we take the candles and whip them on the ground saying these words: You are the soul and also the body (say the name of the person), with these lashes you will leave my life, you will disappear and you will no longer bother me.

    The candles are placed on the altar and lit, the prayer for holy death is said and the candles are left to burn out completely, then the remains are thrown in the rubbish.

    Holy death rituals for money


Rituales a la santa muerte

To get prosperity in money, we need to follow the rituals of the holy death, we will need the following materials

5 golden candles
1 jar of honey
12 coins of your own
1 small glass plate
1 jar of wealth powder
1 needle

The procedure is as follows

The procedure for the rituals to Santa Muerte starts like this, take the needle and write your wishes on the candles, fill them with the honey of success, when you are done, form a circle with them and put the plate in the middle and the coins there, start lighting the candles one by one and ask Santa Muerte to open your ways, you must keep your eyes closed and ask with a lot of faith, let the candles burn out completely and take the coins and put them in your purse. You can spend the coins, but leave at least one, and sprinkle the remaining dust at the entrance of your house. This is one of the rituals of the sacred death. Watch this video.

Santa Muerte rituals and black magic

The Holy Death as we know is very revered in Mexico City and there are many people who resort to the rituals of the Holy Death to attract luck, love, money, employment, to keep people away from their lives, there are many existing rituals where

Rituales a la santa muerte

the Holy Death is used to attract luck, love, money, employment, to keep people away from their lives.
There are many existing rituals where they mostly use coloured candles depending on the case, honey, plates, water, aguardiente among others.

But we have to take into account what we are going to use in the rituals of the sacred death, what favours we are going to ask for, because when it comes to the black sacred death, this can work for good but also for evil, black magic can work and destroy anyone regardless of their own life.

You have to be very careful with it, because the negative effects that you wish on others can be reversed on you, so you have to be very careful with the Santa Muerte rituals.

Holy death rituals and prayers

The Holy Death has countless rituals for different requests, it is to know that we must be devout and do things with faith so that the Holy Death can fulfil the requests we make in the rituals, for these rituals to have more effect we must always pray prayers as the case may be given. The rituals of holy death are effective.