The phrases of Saint Faustina; know all the phrases that Jesus Christ dictated to this illustrious saint, the first of this millennium, about Divine Mercy, with the aim of saving our souls from hell and preparing us for His Second Coming ( See: What is Mercy ).
Frases de Santa Faustina

The sayings of Jesus to St. Faustina Kowalska

From her mystical visions, we know the phrases of Saint Faustina, a saint who heard the voice of Jesus, as she relates in her diaries, which she wrote in order to document all the manifestations of Jesus Christ, of the Virgin Mary, of the angels and any extraordinary event that happened to her. Many of her visions have to do with the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ, who in one of her manifestations called Saint Faustina the Apostle of Mercy.

St Faustina’s sayings on Divine Mercy, on how Jesus Christ hopes to grant His Holy Mercy to those who ask for it, and how His image with the white and red rays can save us from sins, and He hopes that such an image will be appreciated by many people.Frases-de-Santa-Faustina-1

Other sayings of Saint Faustina are: “I promise you that whoever venerates this image of Mine will not perish, and in his last hour I will defend him with My power and glory; the rays that are projected symbolise blood and water, the blood that is the life of souls and the water of the righteous, they are rays that represent My mercy, for a lance opened My heart during the crucifixion”. (See: Prayer to the Most Holy Lord of Mercy)

From her writings we can extract the following phrases of St. Faustina:”- ” …I promise to grant great graces to those who have confidence in my mercy.

“…I promise to grant great graces to those who have confidence in mercy, at the hour of three o’clock they implore my sacred mercy, especially sinful souls, because that is the hour of my mercy for all, at that hour I will not deny anything to whoever begs me in merit of my passion”.


Jesus Christ, according to the words of Saint Faustina, said to her: “…I hope that in nine days you will come with your souls to the Heart of My Mercy, so that from it you may receive consolation and every grace that you seek in difficult moments and at the hour of death, and do not give much value to material things, even if they are beautiful”.

St Faustina’s sayings on mercy


In her stories, Saint Faustina tells us that she visited Heaven, Purgatory and Hell, guided by her Guardian Angel, who in turn was authorised by our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Likewise, through the words of Saint Faustina, we know all about the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ as the saving hope of humanity:

“Jesus Christ, you know that from my childhood I wanted to be a saint, I wanted to consecrate myself to you with great love, like no one else, I believe, I love you; it is not the graces, the prophecies, or the manifestations, or any gift given to the soul that makes it perfect, it is the union of the being with God that achieves holiness, it is the will of God…”.

One of the expressions of Saint Faustina is: – “…to suffer for the love of God gives us a great grace, it strengthens our love, the greater the suffering the purer will be the love of God…” (See: Saint Faustina: History, phrases, novenas and much more).


About her visions, the sentences of Saint Faustina, which she left us written, tell us about Purgatory: “…I came to a place full of fire and suffering souls, they were praying for their salvation, but it was in vain, we are the ones who can help them, and I asked them what was their greatest suffering, and they told me to be abandoned by God…” ( See: What is Purgatory according to the Bible ).

Then, on the subject of hell, we have the words of St Faustina, who tells us:

“… I heard Jesus Christ in my spirit saying to me: My mercy does not desire these things, only justice demands them”. And about hell she leaves us some sentences: “… it is a place of great torment, it is immense, that is why I am writing this so that no one denies the existence of Hell and does not excuse himself for his sins or say that there are no souls in this infernal place…”. (See: Proof that Hell exists and is eternal).


From her visions of heaven, written in her diaries, we have these sentences from Saint Faustina: “… through Jesus Christ I have come to understand that the only true value in His eyes is true love, so the closer I come to God, the more I rejoice in Him, because I will be in heaven and I know that it is a place of holiness and perfection without equal, so I know with certainty that our happiness will be eternal…”.