Santa Muerte Verde is one of the most deeply-rooted popular beliefs practised by the faithful, and her cult is used to find solutions to problems of legal rigour and some things you can’t even imagine.

Origin of Santa Muerte

This cult, which is considered a popular legend and has more and more followers every day, comes from Mexico, although its origin could be older, it is considered as a second stage of its appearance, specifically in a place called Catemaco, Veracruz, where it is dated to appear around the year 1795. More details about Santa Muerte can be found here.

Different versions of Santa Muerte

The venerated figure in question is a skeleton associated with death, which, depending on its colour, is invoked to solve a particular problem, so we find that she is invoked to ask for protection, to ask for health, to recover items stolen by force, to solve legal problems, among others. There are prayers to Santa Muerte for each case that needs to be solved.

Santa Muerte Green. Meaning

In this case, she is given the power of justice and is worshipped to solve problems related to the legal aspect, which is why she is associated with the juridical. Among those who venerate her and keep her in their offices are lawyers, who give her great importance in their offices.

Santa Muerte Verde is also credited with providing abundance and economic prosperity, and it is said that those who pray to her will always have all the supplies they desire in every way and will never be in need of anything.

Prayer to Santa Muerte Verde

Prayer is always the mechanism of petition or thanksgiving to the one who is venerated as the patron saint of those who participate in this type of rituals or cults, as well as the believers of the different religions practised around the planet.

The specific prayer to Santa Muerte Verde is transcribed here.

Offer 3 white candles.

Say the following prayer at midnight for 3 nights. Offer 1 candle after saying the prayer. And you must make a promise and make sure that you keep it and fulfil it.

Gentle Mother of Impossible Causes, you always see those in need and hear the pleas of your faithful for help, I come to you tonight with tears in my eyes, anxiety consuming my thoughts, tormenting my mind and soul, I ask your heart for the impossible, I believe in my heart your pleas on my behalf.

In the presence of the Holy and Almighty Trinity. Your blessing and grant my prayer and urgent petition (Say your petition 3 times). It shall be done in its divine and holy prodigality by your hands.

Mother of the impossible cause. You have total mercy and compassion for all who invoke Your charity and mercy. All those who seek Your kindness shall see Your sullen blessing from Your mighty right hand, showing the true power and strength bestowed upon You by the Almighty.

You protect all those who invoke Your protection and justice, all those who invoke Your comfort from those who place their total trust and devotion in its defence.

Tonight I kneel before your image and promise you that if my request is granted, I will always be honoured and offer you a candle from my heart. Thank you for your kindness and compassion, Mother of Impossible Causes, I ask you to grant my request (say your petition 3 times and make the sign of the cross over yourself 3 times). In Amen

Characteristics of the Green Santa Muerte

The physical representation of Death is a skeleton dressed in different colours according to the cult or the needs of the devotees. In this case, Santa Muerte is dressed in different shades of green.

He has a pair of scales, representing justice, and a scythe, symbolising the artefact with which he harvests the souls he seeks. A world in his hand, representing the effect of death on the world, and an hourglass with which he measures the time it takes to find each soul. But each Santa Muerte has its own colour for each request.

The position of other religions in relation to the cult of Santa Muerte

In any case, the other religions practised in Mexico, as well as in the rest of the world where it is practised, have totally rejected this cult because they consider that it worships a figure that they consider to be diabolical. This has led the Mexican government to cancel the Constitutional Registry for the practice of this cult.


The devotion to Santa Muerte has become so popular that there are even musical themes dedicated to her, as in the case of the Mexican Latin hip-hop group Cartel de Santa, whose song called Santa Muerte is one of the most listened to by followers of the cult.