If you are a devotee of this religious figure and wish to make not just one prayer to the Holy Black Death, but several for every occasion, then this is your place to find the right one for everything you need, for if you are a faithful believer in her, she will grant you the favour you so desire.
Prayer to the Holy Black Death
oh my beloved, excellent and beautiful holy black death, you who are the owner of the dark world, the abysses and the great black secrets of the world, today I come to you and I invoke you to ask you to grant me protection for myself, my family and my friends, I want to serve you faithfully to be that servant who trusts you completely, I am aware that invoking you is not a game, that is why I am sure of what I am doing and that your protection is total from the moment of the invocation.
Because life and fate have treated me badly, such as the envy and bad actions of some people around me, and certain sufferings and misfortunes, which have made me fall into a state of deep depression from which I need to get out.
Therefore, with this prayer to the Holy Death, I implore You, venerable Lady, please help me and allow me to have a new beginning, so that I can get out of this sadness that overwhelms my life and my heart.
May I have a new awakening for my life and my soul, may you be my refuge and comfort, for this reason I am sure that under your protection I will be well and I will be able to achieve all that I propose to myself.
I invoke You through this prayer to the Holy Death and to each of the guardians of the Holy Mantle so that they may also be my protectors and guides, that in Your Name they may watch over me and mine, I hope that You will not turn a deaf ear to my plea for protection.
You are my only way to stand up and go forward, to prove that I can and that I am not less than anyone else, I know that only in You will I find the peace and tranquillity that my soul needs. Grant me the grace of your protection and blessing, oh most holy death of the black veil.
I promise to be faithful to you and to worship you at the altar, to proclaim the favours I have received from you and to make more devotees of you. My name is (say your name) and now through this pact we are friends and as a promise I will fulfil my main mission will be to expand the faith in you so that more people will trust you and that you will also be the protector of those people. Amen.
there are other prayers to the holy black death for difficult cases, in the following video there is a prayer to the holy black death:
Prayer to the black holy death for separation
The Holy Death can grant favours depending on the colour you ask for, for example, there is the Golden Holy Death, the Red Holy Death, the White Holy Death, so all the prayers are dedicated to the Holy Death, but in many cases it has to be worshipped depending on the favour, but the prayer to the Black Holy Death is the one that has more power. With it you can make the person you want unhappy and separate them from the person you are with.
In the same way there are other prayers to Saint Alejo and Saint Benedict to separate, that is to say there are many healers besides Saint Death who help to separate, these prayers are the basis to make the request, but in the same way each person can create a prayer to Saint Death with the aim or purpose of separating.
This strong prayer to the holy black death, dedicated in her honour, can separate two people and make them never be together again, it is delicate to do because of the power it has.
O my dear and glorious Santa Muerte, you who have the power to reign in the darkness and who know what it means to be alone,
I beg you to help me to be alone.
I beg you to help me to be alone, to get back the person I love so much and to leave the person she is with.
For my sake and for the sake of all those around me, and for their own sake, may you instil hatred, resentment, suspicion and total separation between the people who do not want to see my happiness and between my beloved and the woman she is with.
May a mortal hatred, an infinite and total mistrust be born between them, through your immense power, Lady of Darkness, through this prayer to the Holy Black Death, may they never remember each other’s names without feeling anger and resentment.
I ask you that the smells they shared together become disgusting when they remember them, that this moment and the few moments they can share together become disgusting and that they both feel dissatisfied with the mere fact of thinking of each other.
You who have the power that no one else has to put an end to life, grant me this wish that I ask of you with such devotion, so that you may be the maker of my happiness, so that, seeing that you have granted me the request that I make with all my heart, I may have peace of mind and thus know that (name of person) and (name of person) can never be together or in each other’s thoughts.
O my lady holy death, I ask you to separate (name of person) and (name of person), may they never be together again as long as they live in the earthly world, may their paths be separated so that they never cross again in life, may they not even remember each other, may their separation be final, I ask this in the name of God. Amen.
You can also pray the miracle prayers to the Holy Black Death. In the following video you can see another prayer to the Holy Black Death to separate:
Prayer to the Black Death for Love
Fiery darling of burning passion, by means of this prayer to the Holy Black Death and in her name I ask that what I feel for you (name of the loved one) be the same as what you feel for me, that the power of your feelings and thoughts be dominated by me alone, that your mind belong to me and that your every action be moved only by the power of the Holy Black Death and by your love for me.
I call you (name of the beloved). I need you (name of the beloved). Come to me (name of the person making the request). May you come bowed before me (name of the person making the request), you will come to show me all the love you have for me (name of the loved one), I will wait for you to see you arrive at my feet surrendered.
oh my lady, holy death, fulfil all that I ask of you, your lady of the night, of darkness and gloom, sovereign protector of the universe and of all earthly energies.
I ask you to enter the mind and heart of (name of loved one), help me to make him/her love me, bring (name of loved one) tamed before me (name of person making the request).
May his/her every step be towards me (name of the person making the request), may his/her heart love only me, may his/her body need mine.
My dear and kind Holy Death, help me so that (name of the beloved person) will not be able to take pleasure or feel tranquillity unless he/she is by my side and in my company, that no woman or man may approach him/her and that no one may approach him/her, keep them away from his/her life. If he is not for me, may he be for no one, may he belong only to me, body and soul, may his position belong only to me.
Most Holy Black Death, you who are the Mighty Lady, you who have the power and the decision to say who lives or dies, your power is great, I ask and implore you with all my devotion placed in you to give (name of the loved one) happiness with me (name of the person making the request).
Make his heart, his body and his thoughts belong only to me (name of the person making the request), that he thinks of no one else but me (name of the person making the request), from today this will not change, in the name of the most holy Black Death I ask you that our love through this prayer to the most holy Black Death for impossible love helps us to be together, that it is not something that affects anyone, but that we can be together. Amen.
In the following video you can see another prayer to the holy black death for love:
Prayer to the Holy Death for impossible love
Love has knocked at my door, dearest and most holy Black Death, but it has behaved capriciously towards me. I am grieving and sad because I love and am not returned.
Pain is taking over my life and I feel helpless knowing that I have no solution in my hands to have the one I love by my side, I beg you with all the sadness that overwhelms my soul and my heart to listen to my pleas in this prayer to the holy Black Death.

Prayer to the Holy Black Death for dominion
Most Holy Black Death, I come to you today and I earnestly beseech you that, just as God made you immortal and gave you such great power to be able to rule over all living creatures on the face of the earth, you who can place them in the heavenly sphere, where they will attain the joy of the glorious day without night and for all eternity, I beseech you to deign to be my protective guide, I beseech you to grant me all the favours that I may ask of you until the last day, hour and moment when Your Divine Majesty, Owner and Queen of Darkness, decides to bring me into Your presence.
Dear Black Death, Mistress of my heart, do not abandon me at any moment of your protection and do not leave (name of the person to be dominated) a single moment of peace, disturb him at every moment, humiliate him and make him restless so that he always thinks of me (name of the person praying).
Spirit, body and soul of (name of the person to be dominated) come because I (name of the person making the prayer) call you, I dominate you, may you not feel calm until you come humbled and surrendered at my feet. As I pierce this needle in the centre of this candle, so I want my thought to pierce the centre of your heart so that you leave the woman you have close to you and come because I (name of the one making the prayer) am calling you, come so that only I can have power over you and over your life.
Through the intercession of the Holy Black Death, I will be the one who can treat you as I please, I will rule you and I will be the one who rules you, Amen.
Prayer to Holy Black Death for money
oh holy black death you who are the lady of my heart I ask you not to abandon me and cover me with your holy mantle that day and night this safe under your protection and protection make appear in my life direct paths to success, prosperity, happiness and abundance.
That through You and Your mighty power, my economic shortages may disappear, that I may attain stability, for You know that in my home we need daily bread, clothing and daily sustenance, for I have no income that allows me to have an income.
Help me so that my family and I can get the money we need or guide our path to find the necessary ways to get it, grant me this favour so that abundance comes into my life and the lives of my family, I ask you to give me happiness and a secure future.
Thank you, my Lady, my dear Holy Black Death, for taking care of me and mine, I hope you can hear the request I make to you so that I can get money or a job that can generate income for me (the request is made so that money is not lacking). Pray and intercede for me that through this prayer to the Holy Black Death my requests will be fulfilled. AMEN.
There are countless prayers for money and work that can be made to the Holy Black Death to solve the economic crisis that may be living.
In the following video you can see another prayer to the holy black death for money:
Prayer to the holy black death for protection
Before your divine presence, oh most holy and wonderful holy Black Death, I invoke you today, so that your presence may be my help.
I have been asking for your help and protection for some time now, as I feel vulnerable and I know that you will protect me from all evil. Most Holy Death, my black child, take care of me.
Protect me from envy lest it corrode my soul, protect me from hidden enemies and capricious fate. Take care of my body, mind and soul, for only by keeping myself whole and complete can I bring love to those around me.
Prayer to Holy Black Death against my enemies
Blessed Holy Black Death, you who are my fortress against my enemies, today I ask you to take away from me all envy, gossip or evil. I ask that all the negative desires of those around me return to their owners. May no evil intentions affect my life.
You, my Lady of Darkness, may your eyes be mine and may your holy punishment be mine for those who, out of malice, lack of love or for money, want to hurt me, see me badly, harm me and speak ill of me,
I leave the price of their deeds in you.
Blessed black Santa Muerte, you who are my fortress against my enemies, in your hands I entrust myself and I dispose of my stability. Only you can know who or what they are that want to harm me, so I ask you to take care of me and keep away all my enemies, protect the ones who are mine so that they will not be affected by the evil intentions of these people. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Prayer to the Holy Black Death to return
Prayers to Saint Black Death, Saint White Death or Saint Death Dweller are made in various ways, but many people use them mainly to ask for the reign of the dear or beloved person to return to our side, so that through his or her intercession what is so longingly desired may be achieved.
Mistress of life, I ask you to bring me (name of the beloved person), intoxicate him only and exclusively with love for me, so that he may be devoted to me and not have eyes for any other woman. Let him come to me on his knees, let him prostrate himself at my feet.
In this prayer to the Holy Black Death I ask You, who can move even the darkest forces that are on the face of the earth, to make (name of the beloved person) come back to me (name of the person making the request) on his knees, I ask You to be the one to bring him to me, no matter where and with whom he is, make him stand before me so that our paths may cross once again.
I implore you that you can make him fall madly in love with me again, (name of the person making the request), your Lady of Darkness who has the great power to rule life and decide who can no longer remain on earth, please make him have eyes only for me and love only me, (name of the person making the request), that he does not feel comfortable with any other person but me, that (name of the person making the request) keeps me in his mind day and night, when he wakes up, when he sleeps, when he walks, day after day, every moment of his life, that I be his only thought.
Holy Death, bind me to (name of the person making the request) in body, soul, mind and heart to (name of the loved one), you who have the gift of total dominion, I beg you with all the strength of my being to fulfil my desires to bring back to me the person I love so much and who I no longer have by my side.
I call upon you, Holy Black Death. Do not abandon me, Most Holy Black Death. Do not ignore me, Most Holy Black Death. Most Holy Black Death, bring me (name of loved one). Most Holy Black Death, bring me to (name of loved one). Most Holy Death, bring me (name of loved one). I trust in you that my prayers will be heard.
May either You or the Holy Red Death grant me the favour of returning my beloved to my side so that he/she never leaves my side again, for both have the power over love, hear the prayers that I make today as a faithful follower of both. Amen.
In the following video you can see a prayer to the Holy Black Death for the return of love:
Prayer to the Black Death to get pregnant
This prayer to the Holy Black Death to get pregnant is for those women who, for one reason or another, cannot experience the joy of motherhood:
O Holy Black Death, beloved Mother, you are the only one who has the power to take life and death in your hands, today I come to you to grant the desire that my heart has so much, I ask you through this prayer to see the pain that my soul feels knowing that I cannot carry in my womb the fruit of love as it is a son.
That is why I turn to you, holy and blessed Black Death, to pray this prayer so that you grant me the joy of being pregnant, I am desperate and I don’t know what else to do so that my desire to be a mother is fulfilled, I feel very burdened and sad.
I ask you to help me to disappear this great pain that is in my soul and in my heart, I ask you to make life in my entrails. I promise you, dear Holy Black Death, my beloved Lady, that if you grant me this wish, which I make with all my faith, I will become your faithful devotee and I promise to worship and adore you for the rest of the days that I have left in my life.
In the same way I promise to inculcate your values in the fruit that will grow in my womb, so that he will grow up loving and adoring you and I will let him know that thanks to you I had the joy of being a mother and that I was able to give him life.
Today I ask you, Holy Mother Black Death, to put yourself in my place and to be the one who can cleanse my womb and give life. If I can’t be a mother, I feel weak and I don’t want to live anymore because I feel like an incomplete woman. But if you grant me what I ask, I promise to be faithful only to you and that your worship will be a fundamental part of my life until the day you decide to take me to your side. Amen.