If you have children who have difficulty with reading and understanding, I recommend the study miracle prayers to help you focus their attention.
oraciones milagrosas para los estudios


To supplement this reading, I recommend our article on praying to God for a miracle.

Many parents pray for miracles for their children’s studies because they are not doing well at school.

This is a great concern because the knowledge they can acquire depends on it.

And therefore the quality of life they will have in the future if they are not doing well.

So parents are concerned about giving their children the best education so that they can prepare themselves.

And so that they can live a life with more opportunities, better than that of their parents.

Unfortunately, on many occasions, the film does not turn out the way we imagine.

There are children who do not want to study and prepare themselves for anything in the world.

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Although this frustrates many parents, it is definitely the young person’s choice.

Until they are a child, there is very little their parents can do for them.

When they are a child, parents teach them and set them on the path to success.

But when they are of a certain age, it is more difficult because parents can no longer force them.

Although this is an advantage, because it is at an early age that parents can tell if the child has difficulty learning or is just lazy.

And it is at this age that parents make miraculous prayers for study.

You can find out how to pray to God in a correct and effective way in this link.

To be taken into account

There are parents who are frustrated because they think their children are lazy learners.
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But they cannot come to that conclusion without first consulting a specialist.

Even that is not their responsibility, as it is the child’s teachers who are trained to notice if the child has a learning difficulty.

Specific Language Disorder (SLD), for example, is a serious and long-lasting condition.

It is acquired in early childhood, continues into adolescence and often leaves significant sequelae into adulthood.

However, it can be difficult to diagnose and requires the help of a specialist.

Most people with the condition have perfectly normal intelligence.

This is why it is completely invisible to most parents.

Because it is a hidden disability in the child, which causes great frustration for the parents and themselves.

Because children with special educational needs are often labelled as distractible and lazy.

Some may even label them as rude because they don’t pay attention.

And if they are unfortunate enough to have a mediocre teacher, the easiest thing to do is to blame the child.

Of course, this must cause distress to the parents, who have no choice but to pray miracle prayers for their children’s studies.

Miracle prayers for studies

It is a bit complicated for parents when their children have special educational needs, because they have to devote more time to their children.

Many parents are able to do this by hiring specialists or taking them to a special school.

Unfortunately, there are those who cannot and who try their best to help their children.

However, nothing is beyond the great power of God.

Therefore, we must rest in His Word and entrust the lives of our children to Him.

God’s Word says that the kingdom of heaven belongs to children because God is pleased with them.

Click on this link to find out what God’s promises to my family are as part of His covenant.

So before we think about schools and specialists, we need to seek God’s face in prayer.

He is our doctor par excellence, and nothing happens in this world without His permission.

And as the Bible says, what you cannot do on your knees, you can do on your knees.

Although there is no set prayer to ask God for our children, this is a model to use as a guide for yours.


Our Father

Who art in heaven

Hallowed be your name

I thank you, Lord, for giving us the opportunity

to turn to you with our prayer.

First of all, I want to thank you, Lord

For the sacrifice you made by dying for me on the cross.

For this I acknowledge You as my Lord and only Saviour.

I also ask Your forgiveness if I have unintentionally offended You.

If, knowing that I should do what pleases you, I have not done it.

Blessed heavenly Father

On this day I want to lay my son’s life before you.

You know him and you know his heart.

So I ask You, dear Father

Open his understanding

That he may understand all that he needs to learn

Lord, I ask you to wipe away with a handkerchief

All traces of sickness

That may prevent my son from developing naturally

Help him, loving father

I don’t ask you to make him gifted, Lord, but to give him greater intelligence and wisdom.

Your Word says that by Your wounds we are healed

And so I claim it for myself

And I declare in the name of your Son

That if it is your most holy will, my son will be healed

And from this moment on he will live a normal life.

I thank you, Father

Because you never leave a righteous man unanswered

And because You incline Your ear to hear my prayers

The same ones I make to you at this moment

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


If you enjoyed this reading, I also recommend our article Praying to God for a miracle when we have lost hope.