In the following article, you will be able to read the Morning Prayer that brightens the dawn for all those who wish to start the day on the right foot.

oracion de la mañana esclarece la aurora

Morning prayer brightens the dawn

I dare say that all people want to start their mornings with an excellent prayer, so that nothing in the world can disturb that state of peace that many of us have when we wake up.

So that nothing in the world can disturb the state of peace that many of us have when we wake up,

It is also very important to say a prayer in the morning, so that God will help us throughout the day, and so that we will be able to take care of ourselves throughout the day.

and take care of us at all times and never leave us alone.

Only then will you be able to appreciate the prayer of the morning light.

The prayer

Brighten the dawn, the beautiful sky, another day of life that you give us, thank you God, for you are the creator of the whole universe.

You are the Creator of the whole universe and you are in heaven.

Our voices join the concert that the whole universe raises in your honour, from earth to heaven,

tender, glorious Father.

I ask you to keep all our souls without sin, to give our bodies strength and health,

enlighten our minds with the ray of your light, for our beloved country we pray for the Church,

For our beloved country, we pray for the Church, for her we raise a prayer, I ask you to make our parents and all our relatives happy at all times.

and all our relatives, in your holy name, I begin this day of life that you have given me, and I ask you to be the one who gives me life, and I ask you to be the one who gives me life, and I ask you to be the one who gives me life.

and I ask you to be the one to bring it to a holy end, your eternal Father who is in heaven.

who is in heaven, I pray in the name of Jesus, amen.

I invite you to enter the following link: Holy Virgin of Carmen prayer for difficult moments.

difficult moments.

oracion de la mañana esclarece la aurora

A little talk about prayer

In the previous section we saw a beautiful prayer to start the day with God by our side and by the side of all our relatives.

with God by our side and by the side of all our family members.

In the 21st century, many people don’t know the real meaning of prayer and don’t have in mind how important it is for our lives.

First of all, a prayer is extremely important because it is the best way to pray.

First of all, prayer is extremely important because it is the best way to communicate with God, because we speak directly to Him, putting all our needs into prayer.

If we don’t know it, we can pray, if we don’t know it, we can pray.

If we don’t know it, God feels very good when we talk to Him,

and not only that, it is also good to be able to make a praise, to be able to honour His name at all times, as it could be mentioned, as it was.

As was mentioned earlier, nobody wants to have a bad day,

We all want it to be a productive day, and a day in which we can learn something good so that we can put it into practice all day long.

But how can you really do that without the presence of God?

Without the presence of God it is really something very difficult.

I invite you to go to the following link and pray to San Marcos de Leon to tame women.

oracion de la mañana esclarece la aurora

Looking at it from different angles

Being able to do the morning prayer makes the dawn brighter and makes us think that without it we can have a totally bitter day.

There are people who say that they do not have God in their hearts.

There are people who say that they do not have God in their hearts and they are doing really well in their lives, and the truth is that they do not have God in their hearts and they are doing really well in their lives.

well in their lives, and the truth is, that may be so, but what good is it if you are doing well, if you are not living a life that is

If you are not living a life according to the laws of Jesus Christ here on earth, what good is it to you as a person?

What use is it to you as a human being to live fully and freely if at the time of your death you are not going to heaven as God wants you to go to heaven, as God wants you to go to heaven.

God wants it that way.

Yes, it may sound a bit cruel

but that’s really the truth, if you live a life that doesn’t obey everything that God wants you to obey.

If you have a life that does not obey everything that God wants you to do on earth, unfortunately you will not be able to enjoy eternal life.

Eternal life, and believe me, hell is not a very good place to live, it’s a subject that can really give a lot of people goose bumps.

Goose bumps for many, so I invite you to have God in your heart and that every morning when you wake up, pray the

morning when you wake up, pray the morning prayer, brighten the dawn and you will see how

If for some reason you want to do another prayer to start your morning and you don’t know how to do it.

If for some reason you want to say another prayer to start your morning and you don’t really know how to say one, just close your eyes,

and pretend that you are talking to someone, only that someone is really God,

Above all, you must tell Him everything you feel and not leave out a worry.

Not one concern left out. I will give you an example of how to do this.

I invite you to go to the following link and pray to St Benedict for difficult cases to solve.


Eternal Father, at this moment I want to thank You for allowing me to open my eyes once again, because thanks to You I am alive today.

once again, because thanks to you I am alive today, thank you Eternal Father, because you truly never leave me

truly you never leave my side, because you are always by my side, helping me

I truly admit that without your help I would achieve little in life.

I truly admit that without your help I would achieve little in life, thank you Lord, for I know that today is a totally wonderful day,

and I’m not going to let anything or anyone ruin it because You live in me and I don’t want You to live in a body full of bitterness because You live in me and I don’t want You to live in a body full of bitterness.

I do not want you to live in a body full of bitterness, on the contrary, I want you to live in a body completely full of peace.

I want to adore Your Name at all times, Blessed Father, because I know that You deserve all that is given to You.

I know that You deserve all the glory and honour, no one is greater than You, that’s why I always come to Your presence.

I always come to you, more than I ask, I have many things to thank you for,

and for all things I will always thank you, in Jesus’ name, amen. I hope you enjoyed the

I hope you enjoyed the Morning Prayer and that you will pray it every day.

I invite you to go to the following link and pray to the Blood of Christ for protection from evil spirits.