Meet today the Saint Maria Goretti is a Catholic virgin martyr born in Italy, is considered one of the youngest saints canonised her body is kept in a chapel inside a mannequin that was killed for defending her virginity, learn many more facts below in this article.

Santa María Goretti

Biography and history of Maria Goretti

Santa María Goretti

Maria Goretti was born on 16 October 1890 in the small mountain village of Corinaldo, Italy. She was the second child of Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlinilos, a very devout and poor couple with six living children. Her mother consecrated the child to the Blessed Virgin on the day of her baptism. His courageous parents worked under the sign of Christian poverty to support the children, but in 1896 their small plot of land proved insufficient to feed the growing family.

The father decided that they should move to the Roman plains, where it was said that fertile land could be rented cheaply. The move to Ferriere di Conca, near Nettuno, proved fatal for good Luigi, who died a Christian death after only four years, exhausted by the unhealthy climate, the oppressive heat and his hard work, on 6 May 1900.

Oración De La Serenidad

Know much more about the life of Saint Maria Goretti in this video, despite having a short and very poor life, it was a very interesting life thanks to the value she had of the teachings of Jesus defending these values at all costs, is considered a martyr because she was killed for defending her virginity, and some versions tell that this did not complete the act and she died with her virginity intact.

His brave widow could not obey his dying plea to return to Corinaldo, for her contract obliged her to pay what she owed her employer. Maria, eight and a half years old and deeply affected by her father’s death, followed her mother’s work in the fields and took care of her four younger brothers and sisters.

Santa María Goretti

On 4 October 1896, Maria was confirmed by the Bishop of Senigallia (See: Who is the Bishop of Rome). Her fervour won her the grace to make her First Communion with the other children, as she had asked. It was perhaps the most beautiful event of her life, for which she had prepared herself with great diligence and waited with great expectation. When she asked for permission, her mother told her that she could not read or write and that they did not have the money to buy the shoes, dress and veil she would need.

Santa María Goretti

Mary replied that in the village there was a woman who could read who taught her, and on Sundays she could go to a village where the priest taught catechism to all the children, and she was sure that God in His Providence would provide the material.

She was right; she passed the examination of the archpriest of Nettuno with flying colours, and kind benefactors gave her what she needed. Even at that age, Maria was known for her unusual seriousness and piety, as well as for her beautiful features.

She would walk for miles for the privilege of hearing Holy Mass. There was no church or priest in Ferriere. Her mother gave her permission to walk to the village of Mazzoleni, where she received her First Holy Communion on 29 May 1902, the feast of Corpus Christi. She would receive Holy Communion only four more times before her death.

Death of Maria Goretti

The most popular version is that on 5 July 1902, eleven-year-old Maria was sitting on the outside steps of their house, sewing one of Alessandro’s shirts and watching her sister Teresa while Alessandro threshed beans in the yard. Knowing that Maria would be alone, Alessandro returned to the house, threatened to stab her with an awl if she did not do as he said, and said he intended to rape her.

oración a la santa Cruz

She refused to give in, protesting that what he was about to do was a mortal sin (See: How many kinds of sin are there?) and warning him that he would go to hell. She struggled desperately and kept shouting, “No! It’s a sin! God doesn’t want it!” At first he choked her, but when she insisted that she would rather die than submit to him, he stabbed her eleven times. She tried to get to the door, but he stopped her by stabbing her three more times before fleeing.

Teresa awoke to the noise and began to cry, and when Assunta and Giovanni went to check on her, they found Maria bleeding on the floor and took her to the nearest hospital in Nettuno. She was operated on without anaesthetic, but her injuries were too severe for the doctors to help. Learn more about her death in this video; she gave her life to defend her virginity, which led to her beatification.

Halfway through the operation she woke up. The pharmacist said to her, “Maria, think of me in paradise”. She looked at him and said, “Well, who knows, which one of us will get there first?” “You, Mary,” he replied. “Then I will be glad to think of you,” he said. He also expressed his concern for his mother. The next day, 24 hours after the attack, after she had forgiven Alessandro and declared that she wanted him to be with her in heaven, she died of her injuries.

Santa María Goretti

According to a version uncovered by a journalist called Noel Cruz, on 5 July 1902 at 3pm, while Assunta and the other children were outside, Serenelli, who had been persistently seeking sexual favours from the 12-year-old, approached her. She was looking after her younger sister on the farm. Allesandro threatened her with a 10-inch ice pick and when she refused, as she always did, he stabbed her 14 times.

The wounds penetrated her throat and injured her pericardium, heart, lungs and diaphragm. Orsenigo’s surgeons (see: The Healing Prayer of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández) were surprised that she was still alive. In a dying statement, in the presence of the chief of police, she told her mother about Serenelli’s sexual harassment and two previous attempts to rape her. She had been afraid to reveal this earlier because of the death threats she had received.

Oración De La Serenidad

A third account of the attack was given by the Italian historian Giordano Bruno Guerri in 1985. He stated that, while in prison, Alessandro declared that he had not completed the attack and that Mary had died a virgin. Guerri identifies the weapon as an awl rather than a dagger.

The murderer of Maria Goretti

Alessandro Serenelli was arrested shortly after the attack: the police taking him to prison overtook the ambulance taking Maria to hospital. He was originally sentenced to life imprisonment, but because he was a minor at the time, the sentence was commuted to 30 years; the judges even considered that he was not as mature as a 20-year-old should be, and that he had grown up in a poor and neglected family, with several siblings and relatives suffering from mental illness, and an alcoholic father.

It has also been suggested that it was his mother’s plea for mercy that saved him from the death penalty. He insisted that he had tried to rape her on several occasions and had decided to kill her because of her refusal and desperate crying. He remained unrepentant and uncommunicative for three years until a local bishop visited him in prison. He wrote a letter of thanks to the bishop, asking for his prayers and telling him about a dream in which “Mary gave him lilies which immediately burned in his hands”.

After his release, Alessandro went to see Assunta and asked for forgiveness. She forgave him, saying that if Mary had forgiven him on his deathbed, she could do no less, and the next day they attended Mass together and received Holy Communion side by side. He is said to have prayed to her every day, calling her “my little saint”. He attended her canonisation in 1950. Alessandro then became a lay brother of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin and lived in a monastery.

Beatification of Maria Goretti

Santa María Goretti

Maria Goretti was beatified on 27 April 1947. Both Assunta and Pope Pius XII were present at the ceremony. On the evening of the ceremony in St Peter’s, the Pope approached Assunta and greeted her. She later reported: “When I saw the Pope coming, I prayed: ‘Madonna, please help me’ and I felt weak. He put his hand on my head and said: ‘Blessed Mother, happy mother, mother of a blessed! After that they could see each other with tears in their eyes.

Santa María Goretti

Three years later, on 24 June 1950, Pius XII declared her a saint, the “Saint Agnes of the 20th century”. Assunta was again present at the ceremony, along with her four other sons and daughters.

Alessandro was also present. Because of the large crowds, the canonisation ceremonies were held outside St Peter’s Basilica, in Piazza San Pietro.

Pius XII spoke, not in Latin as before, but in Italian. “We decree and declare that Blessed Maria Goretti can be venerated as a Saint and we present her in the canon of Saints”.

About 500,000 people, most of them young, had come from all over the world. Pius asked them: “Young people, joy in the eyes of Jesus, are you determined, with the help of God’s grace, to resist every attack on your chastity?”. The answer was a resounding “yes”.

The miracles of Saint Maria Goretti

Maria’s three brothers claimed that she had miraculously intervened in their lives (see St Bernadette). Angelo heard her voice telling him to emigrate to America. Alessandro reportedly miraculously received a sum of money to finance his own emigration and join Angelo. Sandrino died in the United States in 1917 and Angelo died in Italy on his return in 1964.

Santa María Goretti

Mariano said he heard his voice telling him to stay in his trench as the rest of his unit attacked the Germans in the First World War. He was the only survivor of that unit, lived until 1975 and had a large family. Maria’s body is kept in the crypt of the Basilica of Nostra Signora delle Grazie and Santa Maria Goretti in Nettuno, south of Rome.

It is often said to be incorruptible, but this is not the case. He is kept in a statue under the altar, which some mistakenly believe to be his whole body. You can find out much more about the miracles of St Maria Goretti in this video, don’t miss it, it’s very educational, you’re sure to like it.

The Virtues of Maria Goretti

Santa María Goretti

Today, 100 years later, we can look to her inspiring example with admiration and respect. Parents can learn from her story how to raise their God-given children in virtue, courage and holiness; they can learn how to train them in the Catholic faith (see: What is the difference between the Catholic and Christian Bible), so that when they are tested, God’s grace will support them and they will emerge unconquered, unscathed and unblemished.

Carefree children and young people with their joie de vivre can learn from the story of the virgin martyr not to be carried away by attractive pleasures which are not only fleeting and empty but also sinful.

Instead, they can set their sights on Christian moral perfection, however difficult the path may be. With determination and God’s help, we can all reach this goal through persistent effort and prayer.

Prayer to St Maria Goretti

Below is the prayer to St. Maria Goretti, remember that you should always do it with great faith and in a relaxed mood and always include God (See: Promises of God in the Catholic Bible) in your prayers, which I will teach you is very easy to learn and if you wish you can modify it to your liking, prayer is a communication we have with the saints, angels and God so it is important that we are comfortable at the time of prayer.

Oración De Sanación

Oh, martyr Maria Goretti, who, hardened by the gentleness of God, did not hesitate, even at the age of twelve, to shed your blood and to consecrate your life in order to preserve your intact purity, look with gentleness on the wretched human race that has strayed from the path of eternal salvation. Teach each one of us, especially the young, to abandon with courage and haste every way that dishonours God or stains our souls with sin; we do this through the Passion of Jesus.

Grant us from our Lord the victory in temptation, the consolation in the pains of life and the grace we earnestly ask (make your requests with much faith), so that we may one day enjoy with you the imperishable glory of heaven. Amen.

St. Maria Goretti has a large number of prayers, if you want another one, do not forget to watch this video where you will find a very powerful prayer that will surely serve you on many occasions in your life and as I indicated above, you just have to have a lot of faith and an open heart, enjoy it, I know you will like it.

Novena to St. Maria Goretti

Meet then the novena of St. Maria Goretti, is very powerful you just have to perform it with great faith, if you want another option could perform the novena of St. Isidore Labrador is a very powerful prayer. In addition to the written novena, I leave you a video where you can listen to part of it, I am sure you will like it and learn it more easily, enjoy it, I am sure you will like it.

First day

novena a San Alejo

O Saint Maria Goretti, beautiful model of purity, you defended your virginity until your death. Even at the age of 11, you kept in your heart what is dear to the heart of our Lord: your purity.

Pray for me that I may do the same, especially when I am tempted.

Please pray that God will give me the strength to avoid sin and to say ‘yes’ to a life that will lead to eternity in heaven with you and our Lord. Please also pray for (add your request here). Amen.

Second day

O Saint Maria Goretti, beautiful model of love, your love for God was so clear in the way you cared for your family in such hardship and in the way you loved your enemies, even when you were dying.

Even at the age of 11, you understood what it meant to love the Lord and to love your neighbour as yourself. Pray for me to do the same. Please pray that I can truly serve my family with joy and for others who need my help and love. And above all, pray that our Lord will be first in my heart. Please also pray for (write your request here). Amen.

novena a San AlejoThird day

Oh, Saint Maria Goretti, beautiful model of forgiveness, pray for me.

Even when you were 11, you did not withhold forgiveness from your attacker. You did not want him to feel bad. On the contrary, you wanted him to go to heaven. You loved him so much. Pray for me to love my enemies as you did. Pray that I will want heaven for them.

Please pray that it will become easier and easier for me to forgive those who have hurt me and those who will hurt me. Please pray for my own healing from these past hurts so that I can move forward and offer forgiveness. Please also pray for (add your request here). Amen.

novena a San Alejo

Fourth day

O Saint Maria Goretti, beautiful model of chastity, you preserved your virginity so fervently. Even at the age of 11 you knew the value of the virtue of chastity.

Please pray that I will be better at practising chastity in my own life. Pray that I will learn to live a life in which desire is subordinate to reason. Please pray that I would love like Jesus loves: selflessly. Please also pray for (write your intentions here). Amen.

novena a San Alejo

Fifth day

O Saint Maria Goretti, beautiful model of mercy, pray for me.

God’s mercy is the only hope for humanity. I know that we are called to imitate the mercy of our Father on those around us, but it is difficult and I will fail many times. But you, even at the age of 11, were strong and brave enough to show mercy to your attacker, the one who hurt you the most.

Please pray that I can do the same for those who hurt me. Please pray that I will ignore their unworthiness and consider our Lord as you did. Please also pray for (add your request here). Amen.

Sixth day

novena a San Alejo

Oh, Saint Maria Goretti, beautiful model of a holy and everyday life, pray for me. I often feel that my life must be extraordinary if I want to be a saint, but you show me otherwise. You show me that I can be a saint if I love our Lord with all my heart and if I serve my family and put them first.

Please pray that I will be selfless like you and that I will learn to deny my own desires in order to do the will of our Lord. Please also pray for (add your request here). Amen.

novena a San Alejo

Seventh day

O Saint Maria Goretti, beautiful model of Christian suffering, pray for me. You bore your cross so bravely while undergoing an operation without anaesthetic. You were thirsty and no one gave you water, and you accepted this cross because you loved our Lord.

Pray for me, Saint Maria Goretti, that I will be better at carrying my cross. Pray that I will not complain about my cross and that I will remember to offer it to our Lord, because I know that He does not waste an ounce of suffering given to Him. Please also pray for (write your requests here). Amen.

novena a San Alejo

Eighth day

Oh, Saint Maria Goretti, patron saint of youth, please pray for the children in my life and for young people all over the world. Please pray that their faith will be as strong as yours was when you were 11 years old.

Pray that I will do all I can to support them in their faith and encourage them to love our Lord, put Him first in their lives and follow His commandments. Please also pray for (write your requests here). Amen.

Day Nine

novena a San Alejo

O Saint Maria Goretti, patroness of rape victims, please pray for all those whose dignity has been violated. Pray for their healing, comfort and peace.

Please pray that we as a society will better protect those who have survived sexual assault. And please pray for justice for their attackers, but especially for their repentance and conversion.

Please also pray for (please state your request here). Amen.

St Maria Goretti in the Community

Santa María Goretti

The feast of Mary, celebrated on 6 July, was included in the General Roman Calendar when it was revised in 1969. She is the patron saint of chastity, rape victims, girls, young women, adolescents, poverty, purity and forgiveness. In art, Mary is depicted as a young woman with wavy hair, dressed in a peasant costume or a white dress, holding a bouquet of lilies, and she is sometimes associated with the Passionist Order, as her spiritual formation was guided by the Passionists.

Santa María Goretti

Both lilies and white robes are traditional symbols of virginity in Catholic iconography. A Catholic elementary school in Toronto, Canada, is named in her honour. It is the largest school with over 1000 pupils.

Chaven over the Marshes (Cielo sulla palude) is an Italian Maria Goretti film based on her life, filmed in 1949 and directed by Augusto and Genina Ines Orsini, starring Maria Goretti and Mauro Matteuci as Alessandro.

He was awarded a prize at the 10th International Film Art Exhibition in Venice in 1949 as the person who contributed most to the spiritual and moral improvement of humanity.

Marcel Delannoy wrote a radio opera in 1953 inspired by Maria Goretti. In 2003, another Italian RAI television film was made about Maria Goretti, directed by Giulio Base and starring Martina Pinto as Maria, to critical acclaim. In addition to all these many phrases, Maria Goretti’s phrases are constantly used by her followers to teach their children to be respectful and in communion with God.