Many people believe that you should not leave your home and always have the protection of Jesus Christ and always pray the prayer of the blood of Christ against your enemies.

oracion de la sangre de cristo contra los enemigos 

You can enter this link and find out what miracles the Lord of Miracles has done.

prayer of the blood of christ against enemies

Lord God Almighty, I come before You to ask You to protect me from my enemies.

I ask You to send Your angels around me to fight this battle against my enemies who are harassing me.

to fight this battle with me and make me invisible to them, Lord, I pray

invisible to them Lord, I ask that they be confused and that their evil plans for my life be thwarted

I ask that they be confused and that their evil plans for my life not be carried out in any way.

I ask that You bless them, for that is what You ask of me, for them,

even though they wish me ill, keep my heart from wishing the same for them.

the same for them, let the mighty Blood of Your Son cover me from all danger and evil

from all danger and evil, so that my enemies may not see their desires in me

their desires in me, but see the opposite,

for I rely on you and you bless me always.

I thank you, Holy Father, for sending your Son Jesus to die for me on that cross on Calvary.

on that cross on Calvary, so that I might have your salvation,

And thank you, Jesus, for shedding your precious blood for me.

Even though You had the choice to say no. Thank you for taking my place and giving me a new life.

Thank you for taking my place and giving me a new chance at eternal life.

To live eternal life. Amen.

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Many people use the Blood of Christ as an amulet without understanding its true meaning.

The blood that Christ shed on the cross of Calvary has a meaning that goes beyond saying a prayer and believing that it will take you to heaven.

I think it should not be taken as a game or a simple game of sorcery or magic.

When Christ chose to die on Mount Calvary, it was so that all mankind would receive the salvation that He was on the cross,

to receive the salvation that He conquered on that cross.

We must not forget that the death of Jesus was for our salvation.

of eternal death, and for God to see us through the eyes of Jesus, so that we might be saved.

eyes, so that we could turn to Him as our advocate at the final judgement.

Advocate before the final judgement.

And we could be forgiven the punishment that we deserved and that Jesus paid in our place.

Jesus paid in our place.

That is why this blood is precious, it is the price we had to pay and it absolves us from our sinful lives.

of our sinful lives if we accept

We accept Him as our personal Lord and Saviour.

You can supplement this reading by clicking on the link to Bible passages that talk about faith.

The prayer of the Blood of Christ works for all occasions.

oracion de la sangre de cristo contra los enemigos

When you go out, it is always good to be protected from all evil by the blood of Jesus; by praying this prayer you will feel protected,

and you can be sure that nothing bad will happen to you,

At the time of doing it, you just have to have a lot of faith.

And believing that nothing bad will happen to you, you must bind all the evil spirits that want to try to harm you.

Although I think the best way to cover yourself is to pray directly to God in the name of Jesus Christ, many people use a prayer of the Blood of Christ against the enemies.

Those who use it think that it will protect them from all evil and danger and from the lurking enemies who are always on the prowl to do harm.

oracion de la sangre de cristo contra los enemigos This prayer of the Blood of Christ has many and varied applications, we have it for work, for difficult cases and even for love.

It works very well in various cases, according to his devout followers.

But whether you need it for one thing or another, remember that the blood of Jesus is not an amulet that will give you magical powers to get you out of situations.

In fact, there is no mention in the Bible of the blood of Christ being used as a covering.

It talks about the wings of God covering us, but nothing about the blood of Christ.

Blood of Christ. Likewise, if you want to pray a prayer to get out of situations with your enemies, we will pray for you.

out of situations with your enemies, we will make one that can serve as a guide to direct you in your conversations.

to guide you in your conversation with God.

oracion de la sangre de cristo contra los enemigos

But do it to guide you, not to parrot.

Remember that prayer is simply a conversation with God in which you tell Him everything that troubles you and worries you.

With the certainty that He hears you and hears your cry.

As you pray this prayer of the Blood of Christ against your enemies, may you feel that God is listening to you and may you have the assurance that He will answer you one way or another.

Often when we want to pray for people who hurt us, the instinct is to do it the way we want to pray,

The instinct is to do it in the wrong way, by wishing for them the same evil that they have done to us.

Evil that they have done to us, but that is not what Jesus teaches in the Word.

He commands us to pray for them and to bless them in return.

When we pray the blood of Christ against our enemies, we must consider what He would do in our place.

So that in obedience we may follow in His footsteps and do things as He would if He were in our place.

as He would if He were in our place.

Learning the Blood of Christ prayer against enemies may not be the best alternative, but it does help us to think about what God wants us to do.

He does not want us to pray repetitively.

He wants us to spend time with Him and to share with Him in the midst of prayer, which is the same thing.

Prayer, which is the same as talking about the things that are happening to us, what is hurting us.

Things that happen to us, what hurts or bothers us, or simply what we need.

If you need a morning prayer using Psalm 5, go to this link and find one.

We need to have that kind of trust in God, because He is the best friend we can have and the one who

and the one who always wants good, pleasant and perfect things for us, which is God’s will for all of us.