Saint Raphael, the archangel to whom the sick turn as their patron saint because he brings with him the positive and healing energy that flows from God, is said to have his own name, which belongs to one of the seven angels who are very close to God.
San Rafael Arcángel

Saint Raphael the Archangel Biography

Saint Raphael the Archangel is one of the heavenly spirits who enjoys the beautiful and eternal patience of our God, through him this beautiful angel has revealed himself to us to bring us his divine gift, he was an angel sent by God to highlight in a great way two very important facts of protection, the healing of Sara from the hard oppression of Satan and also the magnificent healing of the blindness that a man called Tobias had.

San Rafael Arcángel

The angel who, along with Raphael, is an important part of the heavenly court responsible for worshipping the Mother of the Church and also stands out as an angel worthy of veneration, the story of St Raphael the Archangel can be found in the Book of Tobias, which is located in the Old Testament of the Holy Scripture.

The story of Saint Raphael the Archangel

Saint Raphael the Archangel, who had a human appearance, was adopted by Azarias, a cousin of Tobit, who was sent to heaven by God himself to accompany his son Tobias on a long journey to marry Sarra.

San Rafael Arcángel

During the voyage they catch a fish and the archangel St. Raphael tells Tobias to use the bile of the fish to cure his father’s blindness, and also to use his heart and liver to marry Sarra, who at that time was possessed by a demon called Asmodeo, and she killed the seven husbands she had previously had and none of them allowed her to consummate the marriage she had contracted.

Since then, this angel has also been considered to be the protector of the bride and groom and also of the betrothal, he is one of the seven angels of the heavenly court of God, he is not called an archangel in any Bible text and in a Bible text in the book of Tobias it says the following: “I am Raphael, who is one of the seven angels who will always be present and also have access to the glory of God. Tobias 12:15. Watch this video.

The life of St. Raphael the Archangel

St. Raphael the Archangel is considered to be a heavenly doctor par excellence and also the inspiration for all earthly doctors who practice this noble work, because when he gives his teachings he always says that to be a good doctor one must be humble and poor. Sometimes he appears to them either with a fish in his hand or on his feet.

San Rafael Arcángel

Saint Raphael the Archangel has the power to help us find this beautiful gift of healing, he teaches us how to get healing through ourselves, he is our guide and in this way we can find the healing of our body in nature itself and also in the energy of the Universe. The same happens when we want to help heal the ailments of a family member or friend.

This beautiful angel, who along with St. Gabriel the Archangel, is part of the heavenly court of God, is a beautiful comforter that we can count on when we are in difficulties or problems, also in our immediate help in the tribulations where God sends him, where there is patience and resignation. When St. Raphael the Archangel is close to a person, he is able to bear any kind of suffering, even things that I thought I could never bear, so it is advisable that those who feel suffering can turn to him.

San Rafael Arcángel

He can be the protector of the evils that afflict your soul and also your body and also if you are in any trouble he will also get you out of it. He is also the patron saint of penitents and anyone who prays to him will always be guided well.

Saint Raphael the Archangel is the one who represents physical strength, personal radiance,

success, he also provides loyalty, nobility and courage.
He also gives the precious gift of command and leadership. In the Holy Scriptures we can see Saint Raphael the Archangel freeing young Tobias from a fish that had crossed his path and was about to eat him, having succeeded in freeing him he told him to eat it as it would be part of his food to continue his journey.

The heart of the fish was thrown over the coals and it drove out the demon that wanted to drown young Tobias, the gall of the fish was applied to the eyes of the blind father to heal him, who immediately recovered his sight, finally this young man receives advice from the Archangel San Rafael, this before and after his marriage and so he leaves him very happy in his father’s house. The green ray belongs to this angel, under this light he shines.

The greatest virtue he has is to exalt the truth, to remove any suspicion of lies, and he is also the one who helps us in moments when our health is shaky, be it physical, mental or spiritual. Watch this video.

Who was Saint Raphael the Archangel?

St Raphael the Archangel is considered to be the angel of healing, his name is probably derived from the Hebrew word rophe, which when translated has a beautiful meaning of medicine or physician, or rapach, which has the meaning of God who heals the soul of man.

San Rafael Arcángel

Studies say that Saint Raphael the Archangel is not mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, but theologians affirm that he was the archangel in charge of healing the sick in that pool called Nethesda, which is very well described in the Gospels; it is also probable that he was one of those three angels who visited Abraham and his blessed wife.

The story tells us that Sarah was unable to conceive and this angel appeared to her to tell her that God wanted her to be a mother, even in her old age. It is also believed that he was the angel who healed Abraham’s grandson of several wounds he had received in battle and also gave King Solomon a magical ring.

St. Raphael the Archangel is the one who brings this divine healing light of the living God to earth, and this angel is said to have once said that his role in the place of healing was to reveal the true scarred bodies that the Lord created for all of us. For this healing angel, we are all already healed in spiritual truth.

When we invoke St. Raphael the Archangel to heal any illness, generally to manifest an instant healing, this precious angel is always waiting for you to give him permission to work the healing you are asking for, people experience a very soft buzzing sound when they are being healed, or some have seen green lights.

For others the healing of St. Raphael the Archangel is also very subtle, St. Raphael the Archangel has the ability to help greatly reduce the pain that comes from chronic illness as long as you give permission for this angel to act in the healing. Watch this video.

Day of St. Raphael the Archangel

The 24th of October is the feast day of Saint Raphael the Archangel and the Catholic people remember him in every church and parish with masses and processions that culminate in the afternoon of the same day.

The celebration of St. Raphael the Archangel is the renewal of a covenant: before this beautiful celebration there was a ceremony in which the person representing the authority of the time presented a banner to the holy figure of St. Raphael the Archangel, asking the angel to intercede for us before God, but with the full commitment of us to respond by imitating his good example.

The book of Tobias in the Holy Scriptures says that God alone is to be praised, God alone is to be honoured, worshipped and pleaded with, and God alone is to be obeyed. As we know, this angel who helped Tobias in his marriage was always by his side, protecting him, making him see when evil was coming, always telling him what to do. The woman he was going to marry was possessed by a demon who made her kill her husbands before the marriage was consummated.

It was at this moment that Saint Raphael the Archangel intervened and gave the man the necessary indications so that he could have a happy marriage and not suffer like the other previous husbands of this woman whom he killed without compassion, there had already been seven victims.

Miracles of Saint Raphael the Archangel

St. Raphael the Archangel is a miraculous and kind angel who, like St. Lazarus, protects us from evil and danger and is responsible for our personal healing. This angel has worked miracles in people who truly believe in him and ask him to intercede with all their hearts before God, and they are protected in every situation of their lives, such is the testimony of this young woman, 39 years old, who had already had the opportunity to dream of this angel, but this time she describes it as something very beautiful and supernatural.

When she was eight months pregnant with her daughter, she was experiencing many problems and depressions that led her to want to take her own life because of serious economic problems, the discovery of her husband’s infidelity and other negative circumstances in her life.

Two angels forced her to ask God’s forgiveness for what she was about to do, that day the young woman wept bitterly and asked the Lord to forgive her for wanting to take her life, not only for herself but also for the life she was carrying inside her that would also perish with her, since then she consecrated her baby to the angels and when he was born she cried, her room was filled with cherubs and she smiled.

Another creative miracle of St. Raphael the Archangel was with one of his faithful followers when she was going through moments of despair because she and her husband were going to lose their jobs, at that moment with all faith they asked this Angel of Light to help them and he appeared effectively to help them, he works effectively and quickly when faith is your companion.

In the same way, this great angel, represented by a green light, was the one who helped Clara in her difficult situation, when it was discovered that she was suffering from a serious illness of her kidneys, her parents were worried and desperate and began to invoke Saint Raphael the Archangel, the patron saint of the sick, and Clara, with desperation, asked him to heal her, they wanted to intervene energetically.

Clara kept asking him for a miracle, her intercession before God, her Heavenly Father, was the most important request she was making at that moment, Saint Raphael the Archangel worked in a miraculous way for this young woman who had lost all hope.

It is inevitable to be desperate in the face of the overwhelming situations of life that make us suffer, but we must know that there are beings of light that God has sent to protect us when we invoke them, Saint Raphael the Archangel is one of them, in cases of illness we can fully trust in him and his power to achieve our healing, above all he teaches us to be spiritually healthy.

Novena to St. Raphael the Archangel

At the beginning of this novena to St. Raphael the Archangel, it is necessary that we present ourselves to God, the Heavenly Father, so that He will be able to listen to us and grant us the requests that we want Him to grant us; let us do this novena with much faith, as we can do a novena to St. Pancras.

Daily prayer

Glorious and gracious Saint Raphael the Archangel, you who are the holy prince of the seven who are close to the throne of God, if

it is for the glory of His Divine Majesty and for the honour of our Highness, that I may obtain what I desire with all my heart and ask by making this novena, I ask you that I may obtain what I desire with all my heart and ask by making this novena.
For the glory of His Divine Majesty and for the honour of Our Highness, that I may obtain what I desire with all my heart and I ask by making this novena, I ask you that I may obtain this grace that I ask of you, and if not, I ask you to correct what I ask of you today and to ask of God what is good for me, for His glory and honour, for the life and profit of my soul.

First day

Holy and beautiful Prince of Glory, and moreover mighty Saint Raphael the Archangel, you are great in the goods of nature, you are very great in the gifts of grace, you are great in that ardour of charity, in that radiance which gives wisdom, in the mercy of men, you are full of light to combat the evils of the enemy, you are great in dignity and even greater in humility. Medicine, you are the God of health, the physician par excellence, you are perfect for healing, you give health to all the sick, you are the light of all the blind, the joy of those who suffer, the great guardian of those who walk, the guide of all pilgrims. Amen.

Second day

Almighty God, and great Lord of all archangels, to whom are entrusted the most serious affairs of our glory and the benefit of men, I offer you this day the merits of these industrious spirits and those of our Saint Raphael the archangel, whom you have sent as a minister to help us in affairs and in other commissions. Amen.

Third day

God, who is my Lord, and of all the principalities, who, through the angels and archangels, are those who enlighten and instruct, as well as command, take care of the welfare and health of men according to God’s will, I offer you the merit of the industrious spirits and also of those of our Saint Raphael the Archangel, who taught Tobias to know the medicine of this fish. Amen.

Fourth day

God, Lord of all powers, who has the special power to confront all demons, I offer You all the merits of the mighty spirits and those of Saint Raphael the Archangel, to whom You gave the will to imprison in the desert that cruel and merciless demon named Asmodeus, thus saving men from his snares; grant me, Lord, the grace of virtue and purity. Amen.

The fifth day

God, You are the Lord of all virtues, and through them You work miracles and many wonders that belong to our sovereign power; I offer You the merits of the spirits who are the ones through whom You work miracles, and who worked so that

Tobias’ father could see again, free his son from the fish, and also come to the defence of Sarah and the slander against her, and make them have a happy marriage.
So that Tobias’ father could see again, free his son from the fish, and also defend Sarah and the slander against her and make them a happy couple. Amen.

Sixth day

Almighty God, Lord of all dominions, who presides over all inferior spirits, You are the servant of our providence and they must be subject to Our will and willing to carry it out, I offer You the great merits of the good spirits and those of St. Raphael the Archangel. Amen.

Seventh Day

My Father and Lord of the throne on which you rest, as well as on the throne of our Majesty, I offer you the merits of the spirits and also those of our Saint Raphael the Archangel, who, after the labours that happened on the perilous road on which Tobias accompanied you, brought the family to rest and tranquillity and succeeded in consoling all the goods that he had obtained through his guidance. Amen.

The eighth day

God, You who are Mighty and Lord of the Holy Cherubim, who are always perfectly adorned,

I offer You the merits of the spirits and those of Saint Raphael the Archangel.
merits of the spirits and those of St. Raphael the Archangel, who made himself known by his beautiful wisdom, thus manifesting his excellent nature to those who accompanied him, and was able to reveal to his rulers the decrees and wonders of God. Amen.

The Ninth Day

Lord God of the seraphim, who loves them with that ardent love, today I offer to You the merits of these embraced spirits and those of Saint Raphael the Archangel, who with that ardent fire was able to set aflame the hearts of the whole family of that man Tobias. Amen.

Final prayer to be said every day

You who are the serene Queen of all angels, the medicine of medicines, because without you, great Lady, there is no medicine that can heal, your virtue is the soul of all remedies. It is through you that there is health in the whole world today, it is through our virtues that you heal the sick of the whole world. And so, Sovereign and Chaste Lady, we ask you to give us the doctor par excellence, St. Raphael the Archangel, to be our doctor. Watch this video.

Novena to St. Raphael the Archangel for Marriage

This novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel is for marriages, it is important to dedicate it to this angel so that there can be that harmony and protection that only he gives, it is essential to do it with great faith and wait patiently for the results that will be surprising, you can also dedicate a novena to Saint Charbel for different occasions.

The prayers we should say every day

St. Raphael Archangel, great and powerful Prince of Glory, also called the Medicine of God, for your mercy

with which you delivered Tobias and also Sara from that terrible demon and gave them the opportunity to have a holy marriage.
For your mercy with which you delivered Tobias and Sara from that terrible demon and gave them the opportunity to have a holy marriage, we ask you today to cleanse, purify and protect our marriage and also our home, and that by living united in Jesus Christ we may fully enjoy the reward you have prepared for us at the end of all our days. Amen.

Read a passage from the Bible for each day, always changing it, and spend a few minutes in silence and meditation. Pray seven Our Fathers, seven Hail Marys, seven Glory Be’s, always in honour of these seven archangels who are with the Almighty at the throne. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

Saint Raphael Archangel, you who are beloved and protector of health and holy divine healing, you are the heavenly doctor par excellence, I ask you that your healing ray always heal me, I ask you Saint Raphael Archangel, I ask you to heal all kinds of illnesses that my body may have, but also remember to heal my mind and also my spirit.

I ask you to keep me and free me from any illness that is caused or natural and I also ask you to fight the evil spirits to allow me to be free, Saint Raphael Archangel, just as one day you were able to save Sara, I also ask you to save me from any evil, do not let me for any reason to fulfil my will but the will of our God.

Just as one day you were Tobias’ guide, so I ask you to be mine, save me from every evil and lead me on the path of salvation, I thank you, my divine angel.

The last prayer to say every day

I ask You, Heavenly Father, to visit me in our home and take away from it all that wants to make enemies against us, that the angels may always dwell in it and guard and take care of us in perfect peace, I ask You to protect my marriage, my dear Heavenly Father.
protect my marriage, my beloved heavenly angel, may you be the one who renews the love between my husband and me by the grace of God, and may your blessing always be with us and be upon us, through our Lord, Amen.

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel

The prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel can be made in any circumstance of our life, whether it be love problems, health and especially for protection. You can also pray to St Patrick for work.

O Almighty, you who are the prince of glory, St. Raphael the Archangel, you who are the medicine of God, the health of the sick, the light of the blind, the guide of travellers and the protector of almsgiving, healthy fasting and prayer, I ask you for the charity with which you once accompanied Tobias, I ask you, oh good and glorious protector of mine, to protect me from all evils and dangers and to always accompany me in my daily walk through this mortal life, so that one day I may reach eternal salvation. The Our Father should be prayed. Watch this video.

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for Love

San Rafael Arcángel

The prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for love is a weapon that we can use to protect and increase the power of love in our lives, it is noteworthy that sometimes we suffer for this feeling and that is why we bring you this prayer to help you, you can also raise a prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for love.

Glorious and good Saint Raphael Archangel, you are the kind and very loving patron of young people, today I come to you with all the faith I have kept in my heart to ask only you to be my guide and also my eternal counsellor in this important task of planning my future love.

O mighty Saint Raphael Archangel, I ask you to grant me, through your heavenly intercession, that I may possess the shining light of our God, so that I (state your full name) may clearly see who on this earth is the ideal person to accompany me on the path of this life.

St. Raphael Archangel, you who are an angel of happy encounters, please lead me with your powerful and holy hand to the encounter of love that I need, perfect for me, allow us to meet and when that happens, may it be only you who guides us in every step we take, may it be your divine light that guides us and fills us with joy, just as one day you guided Tobias and also Sara and you allowed them both to start a new life.

I ask you to fill their chaste and holy marriage with great happiness, I ask you to guide me to the one whom the gracious wisdom you possess San Rafael Arcángel

(St. Raphael Archangel, you who are the loving godfather of those who are searching for a life partner to remain united, I ask you to give me the wisdom I need to make the right decisions when it comes to choosing a good life partner and soul mate.

You who have blessed Saint Raphael Archangel as an exemplary and heavenly best man, I ask you to allow me to be and also to find for me a person whose character is a little like the virtues that Jesus and Mary possess, who is correct, noble, sincere, respectful and very loving, so that we can build a holy, immaculate love and we can educate each other to create or imitate the perfection of soul and body.

Archangel Saint Raphael, you who are an angel of the beautiful children of God who are here on earth, attract me to this ideal love, I ask you to bless our friendship and also our union so that sin does not enter our lives and that the sins of others do not touch us, let our love be reciprocal, that we are always firmly united, that the home we form is always similar to the family of Nazareth. Amen.

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for Health

When it comes to health we are always desperately looking for the way out for our body to heal, this time we present this prayer with which you can go to St Raphael the Archangel to intercede for you before God and thus grant your request.

Glorious and powerful Saint Raphael the Archangel, you who are the medicine of the living God, I ask you to guide me, or guide me to say the name of the person, in this powerful journey that will be of learning and purification, I ask you to help me, or help me to say the name of the person, to always recognise those lessons that will help me to free myself from all the guilt, worries and also all those negative thoughts.

San Rafael Arcángel

I ask you to be my guide on the path of salvation, on the path of divine love, so that it may be reflected, empowered, regenerated and healed by God in all beautiful creation. I ask you to be my companion on my journey through life and my support always with that holy authority that is your staff.

I ask you to surround me with that green colour that gives hope and heals the body and the soul, I ask you to pour your holy medicine of light on my whole beautiful being. I thank you Saint Raphael Archangel for your healing love and this beautiful healing company in this long journey of the body, so that I can find this union with the soul that I so much desire, according to the beautiful will of God in this perfect way that only you know how to do. Watch this video.

Prayer of St. Raphael the Archangel for the Sick

In order to pray for the health of the sick, we must offer this prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel with great faith and devotion, allowing him to enter our lives and work with divine and heavenly green light.

Glorious and powerful St. Raphael the Archangel, you who are the holy medicine of the living God and who also guided Tobias on his long journey so that he could pay off the debt he had with Gabelo and who prepared him for his happy marriage and who also took away the blindness of that poor old man, Tobias’ father, I ask you to guide us on this good path that leads us to salvation.

San Rafael Arcángel

I ask you to help us with our needs and problems, I ask you to make us happy and that our homes may always have the divine light of heaven. God, our Heavenly Father, who gave your son Tobias as a great companion on his journey to the Archangel San Rafael, grant us the grace that we may always be protected by this guardianship and supported by your help in all the journeys we decide to undertake.

I beseech You that in this earthly journey that we must undertake, we may find a happy ending in Your arms, which only give Divine Mercy, through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for protection

The prayer of protection to St. Raphael the Archangel is a means by which we can obtain the guidance and companionship to feel protected at all times and thus keep away from us any evil or danger that may try to follow us. You can also pray to Saint Cajetan.

O holy and blessed Saint Raphael the Archangel, you who are the good medicine that only God gives, I ask you to accompany me in all my ways, as you did with Tobias, I ask you to protect me from all the messengers of evil and also to guide me always on the right path, to bring me the medicine that I need for my healing. I ask you, venerable Saint Raphael the Archangel, never to abandon me, to deliver me from the attacks of the enemy of my great soul, who is always prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to eat.

San Rafael Arcángel

I ask You never to allow me to turn away from God and I ask You to show me the path that will always lead me and my beautiful family safely to the gates of the divine and heavenly Jesurale, Amen.

Glorious St. Raphael the Archangel, you who are the doctor of the most difficult cases, I ask you to unbind from my body that part that needs healing most, name that part, I ask you in the name of the Almighty God, in the name that is above all names, Jesus, our Redeemer, with the divine power of our Consoler.

And also through the blessed intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother and Queen of angels and archangels, I ask You to enter spiritually into my body and heal it completely. Recite the Creed three times in succession, Ave Maria and Gloria.

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for Marriage

When something goes wrong in our marriage, it is best to seek divine help, which St. Raphael the Archangel can give us through his divine intercession before God, you can also raise a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for my husband, powerful.

O blessed St. Raphael the Archangel, your powerful medicine of the Lord, I ask for your powerful intercession for our blessed marriage today, come close to me and bring to our marriage those heavenly gifts that you once gave to Tobias and his wife Sara, those precious graces of healing and also of deliverance and marital unity.

San Rafael Arcángel

I ask you to put peace and also security in our hearts, knowing that nothing is impossible for the Almighty as far as the good renewal we want for our marriage is concerned, I ask you to come and rekindle this love, I ask you to give this marriage a new chance, a new forgiveness, humility, a beautiful new grace, peace, hope, purity and trust, a renewed love.
San Rafael Arcángel

O blessed Archangel Raphael, you are one of the seven who are always before the throne of God, I ask you to intercede before the Merciful Father for a miracle of peace and also of powerful reconciliation in our marriage, through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power and strength that only the Holy Spirit gives.

O most powerful and blessed St. Raphael the Archangel, I ask you to guide us always along this path of peace and humility in our marriage, you who are good in the gifts of healing, I believe in you, in your powerful protection and also in the power of your intercession. Amen.

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for a great need

When we are in need or desperate, our best option is to turn to the divine plane where we can find peace and solution to all our problems, it is necessary to have faith and the certainty that what we ask will be fulfilled, we can also pray to St. Raphael the Archangel.

Holy and mighty Prince of Glory and great Angel, Saint Raphael the Archangel, you who are great in supreme gifts, in grace, great in the ardor of charity, great in that beautiful radiance of wisdom, great in that mercy with men, great in that great power against demons, great in dignity, great in good humanity.

San Rafael Arcángel

Thou art God’s divine medicine, Thou art the physician of health, Thou art the prince of physicians and most perfect in healing, Thou art health to the sick and light to all the blind, Thou art the joy of those in great distress, Thou art a great guardian of wayfarers, an everlasting guide of pilgrims, Thou art a great teacher of those who yearn for perfection.

You are a great protector of virtue and a great guardian of the great glory of God, you are a great exponent of beauty, of fasting and also of prayer, I pray to you today, pious and powerful Prince of Peace, for the charity with which you accompanied Tobias, have mercy on us, protect us from all evil and danger.

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel 21 days

If you dedicate this prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel, you can obtain the petition you so desire in less than 21 days, if you do it with faith and devotion, always asking for the holy intercession of this precious angel.

Lord, great and mighty Archangel San Rafael, you are mighty prince of glory and majesty, sweet torch of those palaces that are eternal, you are archangel of peace and also of prosperity, to you I come with immense faith and devotion to help me in this need that I have and it makes me suffer before 21 days.

San Rafael Arcángel

With your powerful intercession, I know that I will be able to obtain it, even if a mighty miracle is necessary to achieve it, for you are a powerful instrument of those divine providences of God the Father Almighty.

Blessed and holy Saint Raphael the Archangel, you who are a holy prince of the seven who are always close to the throne of the Almighty, if it is for His eternal glory and divine majesty and for the honour of our Creator that I may obtain what I need in less than 21 days.

San Rafael Arcángel

I ask you, my God, to grant me this favour that I ask of you, and if not, I ask you to correct it, and that only your holy will be fulfilled, and intercede for me before God, asking for what is best for me, so that the glory may be God’s alone, you, glorious archangel Saint Raphael, you, the supreme ruler with the guardian angels, you, the prince of virtues and angel of mercy, always accompany me on the journey of life, as you accompanied young Tobias. Amen.

This prayer should be prayed for 21 days, starting with a Hail Mary and an Our Father on the first day and then increasing the number of days.

The Mystic Rose and St. Raphael the Archangel

There is a prayer dedicated to the Mystic Rose and St. Raphael the Archangel that we can raise in case of our needs, when we want their protection, among other things, we can also raise a prayer to St. Cecilia or St. Cecilia of Rome.

San Rafael Arcángel

O blessed Jesus, who was nailed to the cross of Calvary and left us as a good mother, the holy Mother of God, virgin and mighty and heavenly helper of the angels and archangels, we ask You, through Your holy and loving mediation, to grant us the beautiful purification of our souls and the miraculous healing of our body that is afflicted by illness (you must name it in a low voice), we ask You, trusting in the promises You made to us with Maria Rosa Mistica, Amen. We must pray three Hail Marys, one Glory be to the Father, beloved St Raphael the Archangel, we ask you to intercede for us. Watch this video.

Chaplet of St. Raphael the Archangel

The medal should be inscribed with the following prayer

“Raphael, you are the physician, you will always be our guide, Raphael, you will always be our companion, and moreover, faithful helper in human suffering.
Faithful helper in human pain”, three Hail Marys were said in honour of the Virgin Mary.
In honour of the choir of angels

San Rafael Arcángel
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, our God of great armies.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory, glory to the Father, glory to the Son, and glory to the Holy Spirit!
In honour of the choir of the archangels
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, our great and mighty God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your mighty glory! Glory to the Father, we give glory to the Son, and glory to the Holy Spirit!
In honour of the choir of thrones
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the mighty God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory! Holy Father, glory to the Father, we give glory to the mighty Son and also to the Holy Spirit!
Holy Spirit!

In honour of the Domination Choir
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the mighty God of hosts; heaven and earth are full of your great and mighty glory!
Glory be to the Father, glory be to the Son, and glory be to the Holy Spirit!

In honour of the Choir of Virtues
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the great and mighty God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory, O Lord, glory to the Father, glory to the Son, and glory to the Holy Spirit.
In honour of the Choir of the Principalities
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your great glory. We give glory to the Father:
Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit!

In honour of the Choir of Powers

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your mighty glory! We give glory to the Father, glory to the Son and glory to the Holy Spirit!

In honour of the choir of cherubim

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, God of mighty hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory!
Glory to the Father: Glory to the Son, and glory to the Holy Spirit!

In honour of the Seraphic Choir

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, God of mighty hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your mighty glory!
Glory be to the Father, glory be to the Son and glory be to the Holy Spirit!

Close the chaplet with the following prayer:
“St. Raphael Archangel, Angel of divine health, of love, of great joy and above all of divine light, I ask you to pray for us. ”

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for healing

Prayers are food for the soul that can be made when we ask for healings for any kind of illness of the body or of the soul itself, you can also raise prayers to the Virgin of the Rosary.

In the name of Jesus Christ who always dwells in my heart, I come to you today, my dearest and beloved Saint Raphael Archangel, I ask you to surround me and envelop me with the angels of divine healing, Saint Raphael Archangel, may the divine light of true healing be directed upon (say name of person).

You who are the Archangel of Divine Healing, I deeply desire that the divine light fill me with healing, with energy, with health here, now and forever, that it penetrate every molecule of my physical and emotional body and also my mind, Saint Raphael Archangel, always make the energy of healing manifest through (say name) and around (say name).

In the divine power that radiates this wondrous light that enters this body for purification, always give it your blessing, I declare that this light of perfect divine perfection and the mighty love of God will always express itself through the whole being. Amen. Watch this video.

Church of San Rafael Archangel

This church is a temple of Colombian origin, built under the sacred invocation of San Rafael Arcángel, we can find it located in the municipality of San Rafael, it was built between 1864 and 1866 by the brothers Jesús and Agustín Mira, accompanied by Juan Marzo.

San Rafael Arcángel

In the beginning, they built a small chapel of straw and wattle in a village called El Sueldo, which they kept until 1872, when, because it was so far from the other churches, it was turned into a parish by Monsignor Herrera Restrepo, who was the bishop of Medellín at the time, and who accompanied him as his faithful parish priest was José de Jesús Correa.

San Rafael Arcángel

José Jesús Correa was one of the first to think that this church was located in a very isolated place, and so he suggested that they go to the banks of the river, and it was in this place that it was decided to start building the church in August 1904.

The plans for the construction of this church were designed by the architect Emigdio Rincón, but once the work was finished, it was carried out in its entirety by Correa’s successors. The church has three naves and an interior tower.

There is also a high altar and one dedicated to San Rafael Arcángel, as well as another dedicated to the Virgen del Carmen. In front of the church is the main park, which belongs to the people, and inside there is a bust in honour of Correa.

Temple of San Rafael Archangel

San Rafael Arcángel

There is a temple dedicated to San Rafael Archangel that is located in the Guajira in the country of Venezuela, where is the Virgin of Chiquinquira is considered a beautiful architectural jewel, in the year 2016 occurred on 15 May just in the area of the sacristy and everything was caused by a short circuit.

This religious temple is built approximately from the year 1866, this beautiful work of religious style is preserved as is or original, keeping that style given at the time, is considered a beauty. All the devotees and parishioners visit this holy temple to ask favours from this beautiful angel who brings a ray of divine light to protect and help us.

It is one of the greatest beauties to be found in this place, just like the Cathedral of San Pablo, it is important to know that these works are made with great gratitude and are used in the magnificent divinity that these beings represent, which are celestial light for all, where the power of Almighty God intervenes.