Perhaps many people have this doubt: is it a sin to be baptised twice? That is why today we are going to talk about everything related to this question, in order to clear up all our doubts.

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it is a sin to be baptised twice

It is no secret that the two most popular religions in the world have completely different ways of baptising people.

Catholics are baptised when they are small, when they are only a few days old, in order to erase the sin that they have committed.

Catholics are baptised when they are little, when they are only a few days old, in order to erase the sin that they are born with.

Christian people are baptised when they really decide that they no longer want to be in the world,

to be no longer in the world, and they do this in the full knowledge that they are dying to the world and living for Christ.

But what we really want to know is whether it is really a sin to be baptised twice.

Is it really a sin to be baptised twice, so that is what we are going to talk about today.

When a person decides to give his life to the Lord Jesus Christ, one of the first things he does is to be baptised.

is to be baptised in water, but unfortunately, some people, after making this important decision, go back to their old ways.

Unfortunately, some people, after having made this important decision, go back to the same thing, that is, they go back to sin, they go back to prostitution, they go back to sin, they go back to prostitution.

To sin, to prostitution, to free sex, to lying, to drugs, and many other things.

In the midst of this chaos, if the person really repents, should he or she be baptised again in water?

In order to answer this question, we must first understand the following: “If the person truly repents, should he or she be re-baptised in water?

The answer is this: There is only one baptism in water, i.e. the person is baptised,

and remains with Jesus Christ until death.

If a person is baptised and looks back at his past, it means that his surrender was not total, that is, his repentance was not 100%,

their repentance was not 100%.

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that are not so serious.

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We continue to talk about baptism.

In the face of the first temptation, the person made the same mistakes again.

When there is repentance, total and sincere, the person becomes disgusted with sin,

the person becomes disgusted with sin, he begins to reject it and flees from all temptations, thus

and flees from all temptations, thus achieving a righteous life in the eyes of God.

In the eyes of God, we must pay close attention to what is written in the following verse: 1 Corinthians 10:13.

I invite you to read 1 Corinthians 10:13. For this reason, if you were once baptised with water, but fell into temptation, that is, if you were once baptised with water, but fell into temptation, that is, fell into temptation

into temptation, that is, you fell back into sin, what you should do is repent from your heart and be baptised again in the water.

and be baptised again in the waters, giving yourself 100% to the Lord Jesus without looking at your past again.

our past. Baptism is not only a public act, it is also a spiritual act because it is the surrender of our lives into the hands of the Lord Jesus.

We can also compare baptism in water with the ceremony of marriage,

When a person decides to get married, he or she makes a commitment,

When a person decides to get married, he is showing the world that he is determined to leave his single life behind in order to spend the rest of his life with the other person.

When a person is baptised in water, she is making a decision to leave the life of sin in order to spend the rest of her life with the other person.

To give up the life of sin in order to live a life given to God alone.

If a child is not baptised and dies, does it go to heaven? Yes, they go straight to heaven,

because children belong to God whether they are baptised or not.

Children are innocent and therefore have no sins.

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Is it good to baptise children?

Since we have already talked a little about whether it is a sin to be baptised twice

I think it is necessary to talk a little about the baptism of children.

Many people have the custom of baptising a child in water when it is born, but is this really necessary?

Water, but is it really necessary? Whoever is able to humble himself like a child will be the greatest in the world.

The greatest in the kingdom of heaven, that is, children are pure, they have no sins, the true meaning of baptism is that they have no sins.

The true meaning of baptism is to repent of sins, that is, to receive the Word of God in one’s heart.

When a person receives the Word of God in his heart, he reflects on his life and makes a decision to change his attitudes.

To change their attitudes, they are then baptised in water, leaving all their past behind to start a new life with God.

To begin a new life with God. A child is an innocent being, that is, they have no evil in them, so they have nothing to do with God.

They have nothing to repent of, so that answers our question, it is not really necessary to baptise a child.

It is not really necessary to baptise a child because they belong to God.

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Now that we are really informed about whether it is a sin to be baptised twice, let us talk a little about infant baptism,

About infant baptism, it is necessary to know at what age it is good to be baptised, so we will talk a little about it.

We are going to talk a little bit about this subject, today, with the advance of technology and with easy access to the internet, pornography, violence.

Internet, pornography, violent juices and so on, the time of innocence is over very quickly,

When sex is taught in schools, cases of teenage pregnancy become more and more common.

For this reason, it is believed that a child from the age of 10 is already capable of understanding what is right,

to understand what is right and what is wrong, and thus to be able to make the decision to be baptised.

water and to be able to give his life to Jesus.

Jesus, for example, was not baptised at birth, but as an adult,

He left us an example so that we know how to act in this situation. I hope

I hope that there is no doubt about the issues raised in this article.

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