At present the prayer to St George has become very popular, many people around the world direct their prayers to this saint either to protect themselves from bad vibrations, for good health, luck in love and others.
Life Of St George

Painting by Raphael Sanzio
It is uncertain when St George was born, historians continue to debate this fact today, the date of his death is estimated to be 23 April 303 AD, the first evidence of George’s existence appears in the works of the Bollandians.
Aloysius Lippomani, the 16th century Bishop of Bergamo, was one of the first people to undertake a serious study of St George, but modern scholarship really began in the 17th century with the group of Jesuit scholars known as the Bollandists.
Daniel Papebroch, Jean Bolland and Henschen gave a good account of St George’s life in Acta Sanctorum and inspired other scholars to abandon medieval myths and undertake detailed studies, George was one of many names in the historical text and Pope Gelasius stated that George was one of those saints “whose names are justly revered among men, but whose deeds are known only to God”. St George was born in Gerontion, the son of a Roman officer and a Greek native of Lydda, both parents were Christians from noble families, St George was brought up in the same faith, when he was old enough he was accepted into the army of Diocletian, for more information about St George watch the following video with his biography.
In his late 20’s, George became a Tribunus and served in the Imperial Guard for the Emperor at Nicomedia, on 24 February 303 AD, Diocletian, who hated Christians, announced that every Christian in the army would be arrested and all other soldiers should offer a sacrifice to the Roman gods, George refused to obey the order and told Diocletian he was angry but valued his friendship with George’s father highly.
When George announced his beliefs to his fellow soldiers, Diocletian could not remain indifferent, and in an effort to save George, Diocletian tried to convert him to belief in the Roman gods, offering him land, money and slaves in exchange for a sacrifice to the Roman gods, and made several other offers which he refused.
Finally, after exhausting all options, Diocletian ordered George’s execution, while awaiting his execution, St George was subjected to several torture sessions, he was lacerated on a wheel of swords and had to be resuscitated three times, but still he did not turn away from God, on 23 April 303 AD, George was beheaded outside the outer wall of Nicomedia, his body was sent to Lydda for burial, and other Christians went to honour George as a martyr, St Eulalia was also considered a martyr.
History of St George
Since the Middle Ages, St George’s life story, as fact and legend, has come to symbolise the victory of good over evil, and has become part of local Christian traditions, festivals and celebrations that continue to this day, St George has been widely depicted in Christian art throughout the ages in a variety of media and forms, from paintings and sculptures to stained glass and reliefs, and has become the subject of many prayers and devotions, if you would like more information on the history of this patron saint I leave you with a video with more information.
Chapels of St George
The first dated church dedicated to St George was first mentioned in 518. In Rome, the Byzantine general Flavius Belisarius placed Porta San Sebastiano in Sakkaia under the protection of the saint in 527, and in Syria, the local bishop and two of his deacons built a martyrium dedicated to St George in 549.
Pope Leo II built a church for St George in 683, and the church of San Giorgio in Velabro, which housed some of the saint’s reputed relics, was consecrated to him by Pope Zacharias in 741. It is not known when a church was built on the site of St George’s martyrdom and burial, but by the time of the Muslim conquest in the 7th century there was a large three-aisled basilica with the martyr’s tomb under the main altar.

Windsor Castle
The Sanctuary of Sankt Georgenberg near Schwaz in the Tyrol in Austria is another example of a remote 10th century shrine; a chapel was dedicated to St George on this mountain cliff, which can only be reached on foot, and an abbey was founded in 1138; pilgrimages were soon established when a possible relic of the saint was reported, and thousands of pilgrims still climb the mountain path every year.
But not all the churches dedicated to St George in the Middle Ages were remote or built on a shoestring budget, the church of St George at Mangana, now partially excavated, was built at great expense by the Bishop of Euchaeta in the early 11th century under Constantine IX and was of truly imposing dimensions for a medieval structure, the techniques used in the construction of the church representing the highest level of patronage.

Windsor Castle
St Christopher was invoked by Christians to help them in battle, in times of great need and after victory, churches were sometimes built to honour him as a symbol of sacrifice, and the interplay of battle cries, prayers, artistic depictions and the building of churches in his honour led to greater devotion.
If you would like to see one of these chapels, a tour inside is a good idea if you are unable to travel, it is built in memory of St George, watch this video.
St George and the dragon
There are several stories of St George fighting dragons, but the western version mentions a crocodile that had made its nest in a spring that supplied water to Silene, presumably in present-day Libya. The people were unable to collect water and so they tried several times to get the dragon or crocodile out of its nest, it would temporarily leave its nest when offered a sheep, this action was done every day, the people became desperate when the sheep began to run out.
So they decided that a maiden would be as effective as a sheep, the townspeople chose the victim by drawing straws, this continued until one day the straw of a princess was drawn.
The ruler of the city begged them not to sacrifice her, but the people paid no attention, she was offered to the dragon, but before she could be devoured, George appeared and confronted the dragon, he protected himself with the sign of the cross and killed the animal, after saving the city, the citizens abandoned their paganism and converted to Christianity and today there is a prayer to St George and the Dragon.
The association of St George with the dragon was first documented in the 12th century version of the Miracula Sancti Georgii (Codex Romanus Angelicus 46, pt. 12, written in Greek). Jacobus De Voragine, the 13th century Archbishop of Genoa, helped to spread the dragon legend in the 14th century with his publication of The Golden Legend around 1260.
The Golden Legend had become one of the most popular religious works in the world by the Middle Ages and helped to spread the legend of the dragon. In some German versions, the dragon arrived in the area above the village of Ebingen and disappeared on the southern slope of the Schonberg in Liechtenstein; in these legends, St George slays a dragon to free a princess and the people of the town thank him. If you want to explain the legend of St George and the Dragon to young children, this video will help you a lot, and don’t forget to watch it with them.
Devotion to St George
Prayers and offerings to St George are widespread. By the 15th century, the story of St George’s courage and devotion to him had spread around the world, from southern India to northern Russia, the Syrian Christians (who arrived first) and the Portuguese brought the legend of the pious and brave St George to Kerala in southern India, and statues were erected in his honour.
The arrival of the English after the Portuguese contributed to the spread of devotion to the saint; in other parts of Kerala, the annual ten-day prayer festival at the large 19th-century St George’s Church in Edathua (which resembles the medieval churches of Europe) attracts many pilgrims.
Impressive statues of St George began to appear throughout Europe after the 14th century, with Donatello’s 1415 bronze statue of St George in Florence, Italy. It is considered a masterpiece of Florentine art; in Stockholm Cathedral, a monumental, exceptionally realistic wooden statue of St George was erected by the 15th-century Lübeck carpenter Bernt Notke, an exact copy of which can also be found in his hometown, in St Catherine’s Church.
St George first appeared as the patron saint of Russia in 1415 and his popularity in Russia continued to grow; he became so popular in Moscow that 41 churches there were dedicated to him, he is still depicted on the Moscow city coat of arms as a knight on a white horse slaying a dragon with a spear, and today a large number of statues of St George can be found in Moscow.
The 15th century also saw a significant growth in St George’s festivals and patronages. From 1411, the festival of San Giorgio on 24 April was a major event in Ferrara, Italy, where he is still the patron saint of the city. Such festivals spread throughout Europe and became part of local traditions in villages from Turtman in Valais, Switzerland, to Traunstein in Bavaria, Germany.
In the late 15th century, as Portuguese ships sailed the seas, symbols of St George began to appear in new territories, with Diogo Cão erecting a pillar dedicated to the saint at the mouth of the Congo River in 1484. In the 16th century, the Portuguese spread devotion to St George to South America, and today the saint remains popular in countries such as Brazil.
When the Mayflower sailed from England to what would become the United States in 1620, it carried the flag of St George, the patron saint of England. Over the next three centuries, pilgrims from Europe brought devotions to St George with them, and a large number of churches were dedicated to him in the United States.
Among them is St George’s United Methodist Church in Philadelphia, which dates from 1784 and is the oldest Methodist church still in use in the United States; to this day, the story of St George and the Dragon is commemorated every April on Staten Island; devotions and churches dedicated to St George continued to spread to other continents; St George’s Cathedral, Perth, Australia, dates from 1888; St George’s Cathedral, Cape Town, South Africa, in 1901; and St George’s Church, Singapore, until 1910.
Interesting Facts About St George
St George stands out among other saints and legends because he is known and venerated by both Muslims and Christians; it is said that St George slew the dragon near the sea in Beirut, so the bay was named St George’s Bay in his honour; the feast of St George is celebrated on 23 April, but if it falls before Easter it is celebrated on Easter Monday.
The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates three feasts of St George each year: on 23 April, as expected; on 3 November, to mark the consecration of a cathedral dedicated to him in Lydda; and on 26 November, when a church in Kiev was dedicated to him.
In Bulgaria, his feast is celebrated on 6 May with the slaughter and roasting of a lamb; in Egypt, the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria calls St George the “Prince of Martyrs” and celebrates on 1 May. A second celebration is held on 17 November, in honour of the first church dedicated to him.
St George is the patron saint of England and Catalonia and his cross can be found all over England, in previous works St George is depicted wearing armour and holding a spear or fighting a dragon, representing the enemies of Christ, now that you know a little about St George, next I will teach you each of the prayers made to this saint, what they are for and how to say them, read on to learn all about them.
Prayer To St George
The prayer to St George refers directly to the courage it took for the saint to confess his Christianity before the opposing authority, this type of prayer can be used at any time when we need help in any situation or just use it to give thanks, then I leave you two options that you can use, the prayer can be done at any time of the day or night.
The first option is the following: Saint George, heroic Catholic soldier and defender of your faith, you dared to criticise a tyrannical emperor and were subjected to terrible tortures. You could have occupied a high military position, but you preferred to die for your Lord, obtain for us the great grace of heroic Christian courage that should characterise the soldiers of Christ. Amen.
The second option is also very powerful and should only read as follows O God, who gave St. George strength and constancy in the various torments he suffered for our holy faith, we beseech You, through his intercession, to preserve our faith from wavering and doubt, so that we may serve You faithfully with a sincere heart until death. Through Christ our Lord, amen.
If you want more prayers to St George, I leave you with this little video, do not forget to watch it.
Intercession to St George
The intercession of saints has been a common Christian doctrine for most Eastern Orthodox, Catholic and Anglican churches since the time of the early Church. While fundamentalists often question the practice of seeking intercession through prayer, the Bible commands us to call on those in heaven and ask them to pray for us.
Blessed be the Lord, you angels, you mighty ones who do his word and listen to the voice of his word! Bless the Lord, all his hosts, his ministers who do his will”. (Ps 103:20-21) So if you want St George to intercede for you, don’t forget to pray this prayer.
Faithful servant of God and invincible martyr, St. George, favoured by God with the gift of faith and inflamed with the burning love of Christ, you fought valiantly against the dragon of pride, falsehood and deceit.
Neither pain nor torture, neither sword nor death could separate you from the love of Christ. I implore you, for the sake of this love, to help me, through your intercession, to overcome the temptations that surround me and to courageously endure the trials that oppress me.
So that I may patiently bear the cross that is imposed upon me, and so that neither fear nor hardship may separate me from the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, valiant defender of the faith, help me in the struggle against evil, so that I may win the crown promised to them and persevere to the end.
Prayer To St George I Will Walk Night And Day
This type of prayer is used all the time when protection is needed, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary are invoked to help the saint to give us the protection and help we need, it can be done at any time of the day or before going to sleep, here is the prayer we should do.
I will walk day and night with my body surrounded and run by the defences of St George, please do not let me be imprisoned nor my blood be shed, I will be as free as Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the nine months in the womb of the Virgin Mary the eyes of my enemy will not see me, with their ears they will not hear me, with their mouths they will not defame me, their hands will not take me, the feet of my enemies will not follow me and all the evil they desire will be turned back to them. So be it, Amen.
If you want to learn how to pray properly, I leave you a video where they teach you how to do it, do not forget to watch it below.
St George prayer against enemies
When there are people who want to harm us, we can make this prayer to St. George against all evil in this way helps us with our enemies not to attack, that they do not manage to observe us and stay away, you can perform it whenever you need it, when you feel that your enemies can hurt you just pray with faith to St. George, then the prayer you should recite.
I will walk covered and protected by the armour of St George, so that my enemies who have feet will not reach me, who have hands will not seize me, who have eyes will not see me and will not even think that they can harm me, instruments of fire will not reach my body, spears and arrows will break without touching my body, and the ropes will break if they manage to bind my body.
Jesus Christ, defend me and protect me with the power of His holy and divine grace, the Virgin of Nazareth, clothe me with Her holy and divine mantle and protect me from all my pains and afflictions, and God, with His divine mercy and great power, be my defender against the evil or persecution of my enemies.
Also today I teach you a prayer to St George to dominate your enemy, you can do it at any time, if you feel threatened just pray with faith and St George will help you to solve your problems and to dominate your enemies easily so that they do not harm you.
Admired St George, in the name of God, give me your shield and your mighty weapons, protect me with your strength and with your nobility, and under you may my enemies be docile and obedient to you.
So be it with the power of God, of Jesus and of the Divine Holy Spirit. Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May St George protect us always! Amen. As additional information, you may be interested to know that St Michael the Archangel has a prayer against enemies.
Prayer to Saint George the Warrior
St George, as I said above, was a military man, a warrior who confronted his superiors for his faith, was tortured and killed for it, becoming a martyr, for this reason we pray to St George when we lack strength and we need it, this prayer can be done at any time when you need it, I leave you is below.
Almighty God, who gave your servant George the courage to confess the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and the courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer joyfully for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, for ever and ever.
Prayer for the St George Novena
This type of prayer to St George should be performed for nine consecutive days, in this way our requests if we perform it with faith will be heard, usually performed in the afternoon or evening, is used for no apparent reason can be used for protection or thanksgiving there are other saints with novenas also has a prayer of this type expeditiously.
Preparatory prayer
Almighty and eternal God! With living faith and reverential adoration of Your divine Majesty, I prostrate myself before You, invoking with filial loyalty Your supreme goodness and mercy, illuminating the darkness of my intellect with a ray of Your heavenly light and inflaming my heart with the fire of Your divine love, so that I may contemplate the great virtues and merits of the saint in whose honour I make this novena, and, following his example, imitate like him the life of Your divine Son.
I also ask You, through the merits and intercession of this mighty saint who helps me, to grant this petition, which I humbly and devoutly present to You through him, that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, so that it may flourish to Your greater glory and to the salvation of my soul. Amen.
Prayer in honour of St George
O God, who gave St. George strength and constancy in the various tortures he endured to uphold our holy faith, we pray that through his intercession you may keep our faith from wavering and doubting, so that we may serve you faithfully with a sincere heart until death. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Invocation of St George
Faithful servant of God and invincible martyr, St. George, favoured by God with the gift of faith and inflamed with an ardent love for Christ, you fought valiantly against the dragon of pride, falsehood and deceit.
Neither pain nor torture, sword nor death has been able to separate you from the love of Christ, and for the sake of this love I earnestly ask you to help me through your intercession to overcome the temptations that surround me and to bravely endure the trials that oppress me, so that I may patiently bear the cross that is laid upon me. Let no distress or hardship separate me from the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, brave defender of the faith, help me in the fight against evil, where I may win the crown promised to those who endure to the end.
Final prayer
My Lord and my God! I offer You my petition in union with the bitter Passion and Death of Jesus Christ, Your Son, together with the merits of His Immaculate and Blessed Mother, Mary once a virgin, and of all the Saints, especially those of the Saint Helpers in whose honour I make this novena. Look upon me, merciful Lord! Grant me your grace and love and graciously hear my prayer. Amen.
I leave you with a video of another novena that I am sure you will find interesting, don’t forget to watch the video below.
Prayer to St George the Protector
St George is considered a patron saint for this reason, many of his prayers have this purpose, the one I place below can be done at any time of the day or night, when you feel in danger and need protection, or simply as a daily routine for continued protection.
Mighty God, St George was nicknamed “the victorious soldier” because he trusted in Your power to defeat evil wherever he went, he began as a soldier in the army of his country, he became a soldier for Christ, he put on the armour of the world by giving his wealth to the poor, he forever carried the shield of faith and won many victories for those who seek Your help. I ask you to pray for the battles I have endured and bring your triumph into my life, help me to overcome the enemy, Lord Jesus, and teach me to protect myself with ever increasing faith. St George, pray for me. Amen.
Prayer to St George to win a case
When we have problems in a trial or we are thirsty for justice, we can use the following prayers, we can do them at any time of the day or night, only when we need them, and we must never forget to do them with great faith.
St George, with courage you stood up to those in power to tell them that what they were doing was wrong. Pray that we too will have the courage to stand up for what is right; with God’s help you were not ashamed of your faith. Pray that we too will be proud of our faith and joyfully show the love of Jesus in everything we do. St George, pray for us. Amen.
Even if we need a favourable verdict, we can utter the following with great faith to help us in the trial we are facing.
Strong St. George, great warrior, help me to prevail in this dispute, tough protector of just causes, may your hordes join me when the enemy believes to have won the battle, valiant rancor, of the powers of the just, may the illumination of your blade be the light that eliminates the darkness of discouragement, general of a thousand wars, now I implore you to achieve success in my legal cause, to obtain a fair trial and a favourable verdict:
I know that you will give me your help, for my motive is just, and I must come out of the trial well to continue my life in happiness, I beg you to consider my request without delay, thank you, Saint George, for helping me to win this legal battle. So be it.
Finally, it is necessary to recite three Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory Be, and to do the prayer three days in a row, it works better if they are the three days before the trial and you should light a white candle every day of those days, any time of the day or night you can use this prayer to St George.
Prayer to St George to overcome difficulties and ask for justice
To overcome difficulties and also to ask for justice, we can say the following prayer to St George, which you can say at any time of the day, whenever you need it, and if you wish, you can light a white candle when you say it.
O Lord God of hosts, who hast given grace to thy servant George to lay aside the fear of men and confess thee unto death, grant that we, and all our countrymen who hold office in the world, may think lightly of earthly place and honour, and seek rather to please the Captain of our salvation, who has chosen us to be his soldiers; to whom, with thee and the Holy Spirit, be thanks and praise from all the hosts of thy saints, now and ever. Amen.
You can also ask for justice through this prayer to St George in this video.
We can also invoke this prayer to St George to overcome any problem in our lives, and it can be done at any time, whenever you need it. The prayer should be as follows: St George, soldier, you fought the good fight and won the victory of your salvation. Help us in our struggle against sin and in our struggle for virtue. Under your protection may we advance in the Movement and win a crown of glory in heaven. Amen.
Here is a video with another prayer for you to put into practice. Don’t forget to watch it.
Prayer to St George for Health
When our health is in danger, when we have to go to the hospital all the time and we do not get any relief, we can pray with great faith this prayer to St George to help us and we will get healthy, the saint is invoked at any time of the day when we need it and we should light a white candle.
Glorious St George, martyr, defender of the Christian faith, who gave his life for the Catholic Church. Protect my body from sickness and my soul from evil. Defend the happiness of my home from all those who conspire to destroy it. Give me the strength of your faith and fill me with the hope and love of God. Amen.
We also have the prayer to St George the Martyr, which can be used for health problems or any other request we wish, it is not prayed at a particular time but only when we feel it is necessary.
O God, the merits and prayers of Thy Most Holy Martyr George are a source of happiness for us. Grant us, as a gift of grace, the blessings we seek through him. Almighty God, we humbly ask You, through the intercession of St George, that we may lead a life pleasing to You and receive the favours we ask for, if they are for our good.
In addition to the prayer to St George above, don’t forget to watch the one in the video below.
St George prayer for love
If you are lonely and you want to bring a love into your life, or you want to improve your love relationship, or you want a love to come back, you can also use a prayer to St George below, I leave you some, you should pray only when you need it, you can light a white, pink or red candle.
St George, give me your instruments and do not let my will be defeated before the aspirations of discovering authentic love, St George remove all my bad vibes and my negative thoughts for the search of a new love. St. George, grant that my heart and my mind receive the best of love, make me worthy of love, with your courage and your enlightenment, so that my whole being receives that true love that I desire so much, I want to cherish it, enjoy it, St. George, I open the doors of my heart with much humility, faith and disposition.
The doors of my mind are open for you to sit in it, give me dreams, faith, confidence that everything I want will happen, that all my dreams of love will come true with your help, I am hoping that you will help me to overcome the obstacles, any barrier that comes my way, you will help me to overcome it,
Oh admired St George, I only ask you to open my eyes so that I can recognise love, accept it and help me to change my way of being so that I can attract into my life compassionate people, noble people, sincere people, so that the love you place in me is spread to others, so that this love spreads peace and tranquillity among my friends and my family, and so that I can find the perfect partner.
A partner with whom I can cooperate, with whom I can laugh, with whom I can enjoy the time and what the world can give us both, you who are the guardian of the needy St. George, I am needy in my heart because it lacks love, the only thing I want St. George to help me find love. Amen.
Prayer to St George for a love to return
If you want a love to return you can also make a prayer to St George to help you with this problem, you can do it at any time, you can also light a red or pink candle when you make the prayer, here are two examples of prayers for this purpose.
To begin with, we have the following option O memorable and strong St George, whom God has appointed as our mediator in the conflicts and difficulties of material life, today I would like to ask you for your help in solving a great problem which I am presenting to you today and which has left me desolate and broken-hearted.
O Saint George, blessed and wonderful saint, protector of the poor and benefactor of lovers, please intercede for the union and reconciliation of my love, please help (you must mention your name and the name of your old love) to reunite for the happiness of both of us.
Saint George, I ask you to remove from his mind all the indecision, worries, fears and recriminations that are driving him further and further away from me, to make all the good things resound, all the love that brought us together in other times, to make him forget the reasons for our separation, to make him not lose the true love that lived between us not so long ago.
You who make the lost be found, make him recover (you must mention the name of the person he wants to recover). You who make proposals be accepted, make (His name) accept me again (Your name), You who restore peace in couples, grant reconciliation and harmony with (His name).
Another option you have to pray to St George is If you are facing problems in your relationship you can use the following prayer to St George to give you his help and solve your problems, remember to do it with great faith at any time you can light a pink, red or white candle if you wish.
Saint George, saint of miracles, come to my aid now that I need you so much, protect our union with your help, please do not let anything or anyone hinder our relationship and our life, keep away from (your partner’s name) those who are now separating him/her from me, help me, I beg you with all my soul, in this difficult and urgent problem, give me your favour: (say with much faith what you want to achieve), I ask you dear St George, unite our souls and our bodies forever with your bonds of love, so that we may be one and no one may be able to separate us, I ask you St George with my heart in my hand. Amen.
There are many ways of praying to St. George for love, in the video that I place below I leave you another, do not forget to watch it, I am sure you will like it.
Prayer to St George for money
If you have problems related to money, you can use this prayer to St George, he can help you solve them, if you pray with great faith and humility, you just have to follow the prayer that I will teach you below.
As a first choice we have the following: St. George, glorious martyr, great intercessor in every difficult problem, today I turn to you with great faith to ask for your generous help, for I am afflicted and tormented, for lack of financial means.
You, my beloved saint, my blessed patron and noble protector, welcome my soul and my body, my mind and my heart. I humbly prostrate myself before you and ask you, through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, to look upon me with compassion and not to despise my sincere prayer, so that my trust may not be in vain. You, who are also a powerful help to the desperate, pray for my patron saint and come to my aid.
So that, with your precious intercession, I may obtain a quick and effective solution to my overwhelming needs, make sure that you urgently receive money to cover expenses, payments, debts and to be able to live with ease and tranquillity, do it, I beg you, with the certainty of being heard, I want to obtain what I so much need (specify what you so much need and give thanks) Amen.
This is another option if you have problems with money, this prayer to St George can also be very helpful, always remember to do it with great faith.
St George, I honour you with special affection and devotion, give me the presence and power of God, protect me in all circumstances, never leave me without your help and comfort, seek me by the grace of the Lord Jesus, Mary and Joseph, give me liberation, prosperity, work and health, let prosperity settle in my home.
As a token of my affection and esteem, I promise to encourage your true devotion, and from now on I thank you infinitely for your favours. May it be so, you must pray the Creed, three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias, the prayers for three days in a row.
Below I leave you a video with a prayer for good luck with money and life in general, do not forget to watch it.
Oración A San Jorge Para El Trabajo
También encontramos oraciones a San Jorge para que no ayudes con el empleo te dejo algunas a continuación, la puedes usar cuando las necesites, recuerda siempre hacerlo con mucha fe si lo desea puedes encender una vela blanca cuando las realices, esta lo ayudara a conseguir un trabajo que se adapte a sus necesidades y obligaciones financieras, a seguir una oración a san Jorge para conseguir trabajo
Querido San Jorge, pongo mis humildes necesidades ante ti, mi necesidad de cumplir con mis responsabilidades en el mundo, mi necesidad de usar mis talentos y habilidades dados por Dios, mi necesidad de cumplir mi lugar aquí en la tierra, rezo por su guía ahora para mostrarme el camino hacia la oportunidad perfecta para hacer lo que amo, hacer lo que puedo hacer bien y lo que satisfará mis necesidades a nivel mental, espiritual y financiero. ¡Ayúdame a caminar en fe mientras me muestras el camino! ¡Amén!
I also show you another way of praying to St George to get a job that is right for you and gives you the money you need to live, you can do it every day in the morning.
Oh St George Warrior, I come to you in mercy as I am in agony trying to find a job, I have applied to several companies now and always end up going to another applicant, you said I should be specific in my prayer and I accept your word. I am here, St George Warrior, asking for Your mercy to please provide me with a good job that I need and that is within Your will. Amen.
St George’s Prayer To Open Roads
St. George also has the power to open the roads in many situations, when you feel that you have no options, that your roads are closed and you have no way out, the prayer to St. George will help you a lot, then, I teach you one for this purpose, always remember to do it with great faith, whenever you need it, any time of day is the right one.
O heroic St. George, magnanimous guardian and protector of the needy and defenceless, you who, with mercy and love, distributed your fortune and wealth among the poorest, you who always helped the destitute, so that in the flesh you would be aware of lack and hardship and the discomfort they cause.
Open my doors to abundance, open my paths to happiness and fortune, open my life and my home to prosperity, open my business and my work to progress, to tranquillity, to triumph and to wealth, clear the paths by removing the darkness, sprinkle me with the light of your faith, interceding before God Most High, so that He may grant me what I so much need: (you must mention what you so much desire).
I ask you, illustrious and sincere St. George, to take care of what I am asking for as soon as possible; I know that your help will soon come to me, for you never cease to take care of those who humbly ask for your help; grant that, through your intercession, we may each day more sincerely approach the mystery of emancipation and be freed from hostility and inconvenience, both now and in the future. Through Jesus Christ our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen.
If you want to know another prayer to St George for this purpose, watch this video, it is also very powerful and there are also other saints who help us to open the way.
Prayer to St. George against the evil eye
Heroic St. George, illustrious warrior and holy martyr, lighten your mighty hand and help me to prevail in this quarrel, fierce protector of just causes, may your hordes help me to achieve the great success when the enemy thinks he has won, when he thinks he has won the battle, stalwart knight of the forces of good, may the splendour of your sword be the light that cuts through the darkness of fear, mistrust and disillusionment.
General of a thousand quarrels, I now proclaim and beseech you to merit the desired victory, turn away from me iniquity and false evidence, banish from me jealousy, intrigues and crimes, protect me from gossip, slander and evil tongues, protect me from enchantments and eyes that look upon me evil, deliver me from manifest and incorporeal enemies of evils, dangers and evil spirits.
Pray for me before Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, that she may assign me, above all: (here you must manifest the petition) if this is her will and that of God the Supreme, venerable St. George, illustrious warrior, I surrender to you, St. George, patron against evil, pray for me. Amen. After this prayer, you must say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias, and repeat this set of prayers for three days in a row, and if you wish, you can light a white candle every day, it is a very powerful prayer to St. George against magic, witchcraft, sorcery and evil spells.
Other Prayers to St George
St George has many more prayers, remember that you can also use your own creativity when praying, words are usually enough if you have the necessary faith and motivation, here are some prayers for different occasions and others that you can follow as a guide if you want to make your own.
In this list we have the prayer to St George Ogum, which reads as follows My beloved guardian St George, with the permission of the Most High, I implore your protection so that you never consent that my enemies, whether incarnate or disembodied, get to execute their work and form me some evil, to finish do not forget to watch this video you will learn much more.