Most people usually have their Bible half open, so they’ve seen the book of Psalms, even if they haven’t read it. Today we are going to learn who wrote Psalm 121 in the Bible.
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The Book of Psalms is one of the most widely read books in the Bible.
And it is for this reason that it is enjoyed by many, because it is a fluid reading that contains supplications and lamentations.
It also gives confidence and hope to the reader.
It is not for nothing that it is one of the most read books in the Bible.
What are the Psalms?
Before we know who wrote Psalm 121 of the Bible, we need to know what it is.
The word psalms comes from the Greek “psalmoi” and is the result of translating several words.
When you put them together, you get several names:
Hymn: a song of praise to God, accompanied by a stringed instrument.
Praise: Prayer
In the Bible, the Psalms are a collection of poems, 150 in fact.
They are divided into 5 books closely related to the Pentateuch. Confirm this information in our article on how many books there are in each part of the Protestant Bible.
1-41 Corresponds to Genesis and uses the same language to describe man in his rebellion.
42-72 Corresponds to Exodus and is a summary of the history of Israel. God’s power is exalted, and his grace to deliver them.
73-89 Similar to Leviticus, it defines man’s awareness of God’s presence and the strength he offers him.
90-106 It is identified with Numbers and emphasises human victory and failure.
107-150 It is the equivalent of Deuteronomy, where man understands the importance of God in his life, and gives praise and thanks for it.
The book of Psalms is between Job and Proverbs; these three, together with Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon, are the poetic books of the Bible.
They express poetically with the soul what is in the mind, the emotions of man and also his will.
Who wrote Psalm 121 of the Bible?
The Psalms were originally written in Hebrew in 1000 BC.
It is believed that King David wrote Psalm 121 of the Bible.
But there are also several Psalms attributed to Moses.
There are other psalms distributed among Asaph, Ethan and the sons of Korah, and many others whose authors are unknown.
In the time of the kings of Israel, the Psalms were used to praise God.
King David

King David was first and foremost a chosen one of God.
Small in stature and frail in build, he defeated the most feared of giants.
Goliath, as he was called, had slain many a warrior.
But then one day God empowered David, a simple shepherd. See who Moses was to God
to face him.
And with only his sling and a stone, David brought down the dreaded giant.
In time, and by merit in battle, this shepherd became king.
But as he fought and fled, he took time to pray to God what would later become Psalm 121.
Psalm 121
We already know that it was David who wrote Psalm 121 in the Bible, in times of trouble.
Let us now look at the meaning of this Psalm.
When David wrote this psalm, he was in a time of great sorrow.
His friend Samuel had died, and he was being persecuted by his own son.
David felt very lonely and he lifted up his eyes to the mountains where the sacrifices were made.
So he wrote, “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains.
But when he felt lonely, he asked himself, “Where will my help come from?
“My help comes from the Lord” because he was a fervent believer in God and he knew that only He could help him.
“David has complete confidence in God.
He knows that he is his ultimate help and that he will give him the strength he needs to get out of this situation.
“He who keeps me will not slumber” David knows that God always hears his prayers.
“In this verse David goes on to say that the Lord is your shadow.
Has your shadow ever failed you?
Only when there is no light; but God is the light of the world!
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It means that God was always with him.
“The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night” – an allusion to the God of the people of Israel, who was their shadow by day and a pillar of fire to light their nights.
“He knew that the enemy might harm his body, but never his soul.
“The Lord will watch over your going out and your coming in” and that will be forever!
On reflection
It doesn’t matter who wrote Psalm 121 of the Bible, what really matters is the beautiful message it leaves us.
David was a man devoted to God and of unwavering faith.
Not in vain was he called by God himself as a man after God’s own heart.
So much so that his lineage comes from the house of David.
With this psalm, David wanted to tell us that we can trust God with our eyes closed.
Jesus is our help, our guide at all times.
God is the creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them.
We can trust in a mighty God who does not tremble to come to your aid.
God’s Word says that all things will pass away, but His Word will never pass away.
This means that what He promises, He keeps.
If He has promised to be with us forever, believe that He will be.
Ask the Lord to be your shadow and your guide.
Ask Him to be your Saviour.