This Marian invocation comes from the Basque Country, which in the 14th century was in the midst of a civil war, a country in ruins and in the midst of a drought, when the Virgin appeared; learn the prayer to the Virgin of Aranzazu that you should know.
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aranzazu is a Franciscan sanctuary located in Oñati, Basque Country, Spain. It is a place of special devotion because this Virgin is its patron saint, and its patron saint is Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
In this video we show you what the sanctuary of the Virgin of Aranzazu looks like:
These lands, which are very high, have a peaceful atmosphere. It has a good road system and for this reason it is a place of devotion for locals and tourists alike. It is believed that the Virgin appeared there to the good shepherd Rodrigo de Balanzategui in 1468. Aranzazu means ‘You among the thorns’, which is how the place was named.
Prayer to the Virgin of Aranzazu
This prayer to the Virgin of Aranzazu should be done as a novena for nine days, with faith and devotion, to obtain the grace of the Virgin. Another novena you can do to solve a problem is the novena to the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal.
¡Most Holy Mother of Aránzazu, who wished to appear in a bush of thorns to remove the barbs of our sins from our souls, we ask you to intercede with your beloved Son so that he may forgive us and receive us into his holy glory.
Beloved Virgin of Aranzazu, we offer you our worries, our needs, our sufferings and our pains, so that you may help us to remove them from our bodies and minds.
Mother of Heaven, who accepts the devotions of all your devotees, I humbly offer you the sentiments of my soul and I ask you with all my heart that God may receive them so that I may receive His love.
O Divine Mother, you who are worshipped everywhere, we ask you to take us under your holy protection, so that you may deliver us from all evil and fill us with the faith and love that God the Father has instilled in us through the teachings of His Son Jesus.
We ask you to give us the gifts of fidelity to God in the face of all the difficulties that we may encounter, so that we may continue to evangelise all the people in our lives.
Mother of Aranzazu, I ask you to give us the joy of being faithful in the face of the trials that I will have to face, so that I may continue with the task of making the Gospel of Jesus known to all believers.
Holy Mary of Aranzazu, Mighty Queen of Heaven, remove the thorns from our lives. Remove the thorns from our lives; to keep sin from our lives, give us the joy of receiving the graces of your Son. This is our will.
Prayer to Our Lady of Aranzazu for the Peruvian people
The invocation of the Virgin of Aranzazu is as special as that of Carmen de la Legua, which is also very popular in Peru.
Virgin of Aranzazu! Mother of Jesus, Immaculate of Heaven, you who intercede for us in heaven, as the Mother of the Redemption of all peoples and nations.
Centuries ago, in a land ravaged by wars and drought, you came to the Peruvian lands to be the union of cultures and to bring the new teachings of brotherhood.
You came to America through a statue brought from your Shrine in Aranzazu, we ask you to come with your holy divinity and fraternal love to each of the hearts that ask you, come to our homes, to our works and above all to our Church in Latin America.
Bring your Son Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, give us the Holy Eucharist, together with the peace and serenity that only the love of a mother like you can give us!
Prayer to Our Lady of Aranzazu for the Philippine people
¡O Almighty and Eternal Father, who, through the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, deemed it worthy that the Virgin Mary should appear in the mountains of Alonia in Oñate, Spain, and be revealed as Our Lady of Aranzazu.

Virgen de Aranzazu filipina
In your unfathomable wisdom and great decision, you made her known to the Filipino nation as the Patroness of San Mateo City in the Philippines. We praise and thank you for calling her the Blessed Virgin of San Mateo City.
Our Mother and Queen, our Mediatrix of her Son Jesus, that you have been chosen to bestow the blessings and graces necessary for our lives and that we may experience more and more your generosity and love in granting this petition:
(state the favour of the petition)
We trust that through prayer we may be made worthy to receive our petition through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady of Aranzazu, pray for us!
The devotion to this virgin dates back to the time of the conquests, and in this country other virgins are also venerated, such as the Virgin of Mercedes and the Virgin of Perpetual Help.
We leave you with this video so that you can listen to the hymn to the Virgin of Aranzazu: